Saturday, May 27, 2023

Vapid, Insipid, Unknown Hollywood Twatwaffle , another one......


This is a snapshot of hollywood.. This is why I boycott the whole shitshow as much as possible.











  1. Never heard of her but I checked her Wikipedia page and ...

    "... her maternal grandparents were Jewish.[2][3] Her stepfather is a rabbi.[4] Lefevre was raised in a non-denominational household, and identifies as Jewish.[5]"

    LOL. LMAO, even.

  2. We can do better??? That's where you're going to go with your Twit-RR rant today? Jesus, Mary and Joseph, this is the left in a nutshell.

    Sweetie, take a step back for a second and consider just the previous 30 seconds of your life. You're on the verge of hysterical sobbing because the merchandise layout of a department store has disappointed you! OK? You're about to shed tears because your "son", whatever that means this week to insane leftists such as yourself, that you just admitted to grooming by convincing the poor abused child that they have what amounts to a non-existent sexual orientation/gender identity (again, whatever the current definition of that is) for your own twisted gratification and social credit points within your leftist peer group, will be unable to handle the trauma of changes to said department store merchandising.

    You've somehow been able to raise such a fragile child, through your manipulative non-parenting, that I would argue constitutes criminal misconduct, that they will be unable to withstand the tragedy of a department store rearranging their wares. Never mind anyone else, YOU can't handle it!

    Meanwhile there are actual parents in the real America, that are providing actual upbringings to their children and have 7 year olds, even 4 year olds or younger, that are smart, strong well adjusted human beings. They are teaching them to be well behaved, courteous, productive, informed citizens that will have the ability to weather more adversity by the time they are teenagers than you ever will.

    We're doomed if this type of leftist hogwash becomes somehow the norm.

  3. 7 yr olds are easily confused by a lunatic

  4. a 7 year old "nonbinary" is like a vegan cat. we all know who is making the decisions here.

  5. Another D lister trying anything to be noticed........

  6. Oh no. Anyone checked to see if they have GFM page? /s

  7. Rach (pronouns 'its') -- the professional actress in the accompanying (and riveting!) dramatic short -- refers to its child as 'they', then refers to the store its is standing in as 'they', then refers to corporate employees its is pointing to as 'they'.
    Did I mention I am a gifted prophet with the gift of prophecy?
    I know I am out on a limb here -- I could be way off base -- but here goes:
    * I see disappointment in its future.


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