Saturday, May 13, 2023

Spend The 8+ Minutes To Watch This, Then Share It. This is what's going on and what's coming...









  1. yup. that is the plan. destroy the USA. it is almost unreal how fast things have gone downhill here.
    printing dollars as fast as the assholes can is killing it. same thing with flooding the country with illegals.
    who, it just happens get more bennies that people who have worked and paid into a system that fucks them over on a routine basis these days. I find it funny that the people of demorat shithole cities are now bitching about illegals
    when they coming to THEIR back yard. you think crime bad now ? wait until all of those assholes get to wherever
    they end up at, and can't get what they want. and people think this will all change in 2024 ?
    yeah, right. best plan on it getting right sporty by the end of summer to next year. dave in pa.

    1. Yeah , when the ILLEGALS don't get what they want , they might be worse than the feral 13%

    2. @Wayne Wilson May 13, 2023 at 5:28 PM

      It's almost -- not quite, of course, but almost -- like the system, that has proven its design successful, in slowly (but consistently) exterminating us (like small pox), doesn't seem interested in offing itself. When we swear our sacred honor to it, and keep throwing our wallets.

      Why is that?

    3. Its even funnier when you listen to their complaints. "These people are taking resources away from OUR community.."
      Those sre MMMMYYYYYY free gibmedats, and now these politicians want to give them to these migrants instead!!
      Watch how fast the niggers turn republican.

  2. This is pure evil. Plain and simple. The book of revelations is transpiring before our eyes. Absolutely evil and Biden is a demon. Marxists are his legion.

  3. Saw a twatter video supposedly of buses unloading in kamaltoe's yard via the Texas nat'l guard. You never know what's real but hope it's true. Send a few more to Martha's vineyard as well.

    1. But what good does it do?
      No really, I get the photo op and political prank, its great. But 30 seconds after they get off that bus a secret service agent. Cop, or fbi is going to whisk them along out of there. She wasn't impacted or affected in any way shape or form. Abbot got a picture to use.
      Still have 30 more illegal mouths to feed, so what fucking good did it actually do?
      Nothing. Thats what.

  4. Too bad Orange Man didn't tell the UN to pack its bags and leave town by sundown.

    1. “Clown World is getting clownier and clownier by the day. But Trump can hardly complain. This is what happens when you chicken out at the Rubicon”.

  5. Ammo.
    You do not have enough ammo.

    ... no, really, extrapolate to 2nd order consequences. Millions of (these) people are going to have to be killed. By you and me, if we want our contry back.

    1. @Anonymous May 14, 2023 at 7:30 AM

      Right tool, wrong project.

      Your forefathers signed the invaders' treaties (for booze and options for their offspring to buy them beads, in the future), surrendered all "your" lands and lives, and retired to the reservations. Now the legal rulers of what were your fathers' lands, are using "your" reservations as rodent grazing grounds (by to the rule of law -- the treaty you didn't sign). Killing the rats will not set you free.

  6. I didn't make it much past where all of those invaders were cheering for Bribem. Almost made me puke.

    Six million? Bullshit. It's probably 3 times that and that's not counting the "got aways". That number is like the three million number that was repeated throughout the 90's and 00's by politicians and the MSM as already in country when that number was more like 30 million.

    Thank You Ted Kennedy. 1976 - Oh sure we'll give the ones already here amnesty AND we'll build a wall to keep more out AND there will NEVER be another amnesty. That's like this bridge that I have for sale...

    The good news is it's a target rich environment. Bad news... not enough ammo, as anon @7:30AM wrote.

    One small note of hope, I read an article earlier this AM indicating that Abott's plan with razor wire and TX Nat. Guard is reportedly working, keeping the invaders on the South side of the RG. 'Course that doesn't account for the tens of thousands crossing where that hasn't been implemented out in the pucker brush.

    Abbott's got the right idea, IMHO. Keep busing them to the sanctuary cities. They're already breaking from being overrun and they haven't even begun to get the flood yet. Can't wait for the chaos this summer. The 2020 summer of love is gonna look like a nativity scene in comparison, especially in Chicongo and NYFC, LA and SF. Just imagine how more shitholio they're going to be then.


    1. @Anonymous (Nemo) May 14, 2023 at 11:57 AM

      "Keep busing them to the sanctuary cities."

      And film it! Professionally! By loyal citizen "volunteers"!

      Taking prisoners at the front line. Feeding them. Putting them in civilian clothes. Shipping them behind the line. Re-equipping them. And setting them free.

      It's a plan, General! That I know the plan, and obey, is what makes me a better man! A patriot!

    2. That razor wire ends half a mile farther down-- they're just changing the entry location.

  7. here a idea. send them the fuck BACK. why on earth are we bussing and flying them all over the country ?
    just say NO. dave in pa.

  8. I don’t remember where I read it now, but the gist of the comment was to not be surprised when the cartels “suddenly” raise an army of 400,000 out of the millions that have been shipped here.


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