Thursday, May 25, 2023

I Missed Gov. DeSantis Making His 2024 Presidential Run Announcement. It Was Last Night, On Twitter....








  1. Meh, just another one on the list of sElecties. It really is comical they think we think election still matter.

    1. We have one who can see...right on brother.

  2. NONE of the 2020 or 2022 corruption has been addressed, nobody is in prison (like Stacey Abrams), etc. so 95% of America could vote for Republicans and the democrats would still win. And NOBODY has the courage to talk about this truth.

    1. They can't afford to feed Stacy..

  3. I plan on setting this one out.

    1. Ditto. Fool me once...yada yada yada...

  4. Things aren't getting worse, they're just getting more obvious.
    As Mark Twain once said, "If voting made a difference, they wouldn't let us do it"

  5. Jeb DeSantis has free taco bowls of love, please clap.

  6. Not really sure how bashing the other leading candidate helps the cause. A Trump/DeSantis ticket would be unstoppable, and would ensure 12 years of control, but Trump is way too self-centered to ever consider such a thing. The least they all could do is simply highlight their own accomplishments, their own plans, and just slam the democrats. But again, unless the criminally-corrupt election systems are addressed, none of it will matter one bit. Truthfully, elections are NOT going to fix this.

    1. Riiiiiiiight.

      Two candidates from the same state.
      Electoral genius, right there.

      And DeSantis is only a leading candidate in Orlando.
      In the rest of the country, he comes in just ahead of Pence.
      And some guy that used to be comedy relief on a game show.
      Latest polling among Republicans shows Trump at 54%, and DeSantis at 21%.
      Which means DeSantis can't even win his own state in the primary.

      That's before we even talk about the farce of the current totally fraudulent selection rather than election system in the first place.

      DeSantis is being pimped by the media, because they hate on Trump that hard.

      How'd that work out in the general for McCrazy, and then for Mittens?

      The only election that matters in the next decade is going to feature voting from the rooftops.
      If you're lucky.

    2. Rooftops? Maybe it's time to invite some Koreans over, get to know them real well and ask if they need some extra ammo.

    3. So trashing on everthing he's doing in FL is a winning plan? Why is Trump living there if DeSantis is doing such a terrible job? Trump's lost my vote for being such an a-hole to the wrong side.

  7. I got an email from his campaign last evening asking for a donation. Since I am a member of the Constitution Party I offered him a one way flight to the Amazon Basin. Yet to recieve a reply.

  8. Nice to see he took a break from his (((tribe))) worship to do something else

  9. I missed it - and rightly so. *yawn*

  10. TRUMP ---Because he aggravates all the political hemorrhoids that have lived on the taxpayer dollar their entire life and produced nothing of substance.

  11. Politics- Theater for the slave class.


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