Friday, May 12, 2023

Friday Femme Fatale Farrago....









Stay safe and enjoy the weekend!!!


  1. Fine job this evening. Fine job!

  2. Sweet lineup once again my friend.

  3. #1 - Beats me
    #2 - Needs eggs
    #14 - Needs sausage gravy
    #40 - I haven't had a good steak in years. T-bone has always been my favorite.
    #86 - and Seattle is it's asshole
    G'day, mate! Always enjoy!
    - Mr. Mayo

    1. 40:
      Cowboy ribeye, aged for a couple weeks.
      Cut it with a spoon.

  4. Another "early" post. Thank You! That red head at 23, soul stealing DANGER and several more following her. Nice bunch of fully clothed babes forecasting cold weather. Then there's the babe right at the end. That crease is enough to give an old man a heart attack. Scrumptious. I may be old, but I'm not dead.

    Yet another superb FFF to finish out a week of frustrating political news where the real criminals are still not being prosecuted and jailed, but the good guys are.

    Thanks! Again and have a great weekend. Looks like the weather is going to cooperate.


  5. Classic collection. Thanks, Irish!

  6. #95 (I think. I been drinkin'. It's friday FFS) the black GTO. My alley neighbor (in Texas) had one. Gave me the keys to take a spin, and I'm half in the fuggin' bag drunk. Fun car. Kind of a handful, what with that manual clutch, goofy over power steering, and all. They didn't handle well on the best of days. I preferred my old roomates '65 with the ramair 3 and 3x2 carbs. Nuts.

    BTW - we were doing a fish fry in Lent once, and a buddy handed me the keys to his Jag to try. And I'm beyond fucked up. Took it out an let it holler. You know? Faster than the goat, more sexy, less hassle even being British and all. It's a wonder I didn't get pulled over.

    Another funny story about the neighbors Goat - homey left his hot wife (who was from Belize, cute as hell) and went to Malaysia. Left her. Left his dogs, the callous fuck. Both dogs were aussie shepherds, and frisbe dogs. So cool.

    He left them. I had to help her load the last of them in the car to be put down. Poor dog got old and sick never knowing what happened to his master. It was heartbreaking to witness.

    He told her his brother was coming for the GTO. But it had a flat. Told her to use his bike pump to pump it up. What a dick. Cool car, but I'd have set the mfker on fire to spite him.

    I rolled my compressor over to pump it up. She didn't deserve that.

    No telling what his issue was. Middle age crazy I suppose.

    Moron. She was fuggin hot.

    I told my blackbelt son to kick his ass if he ever showed up again. I'd have shot his dumb ass.

    She got it in the end. Sold the house in a hot market, didn't have to share the money. Moved back to Belize to care for her mom with a fat account and a remote job at Cisco (good 6 figures).

    Good for her.

  7. Nice blueberries and nice melons as always.

  8. Nice everything on 4, nice tush on 17, 54, very nice older lady on 19, 58, 75 (yes, dear, it was good for me, too), nice mom on 21, 83, 84, 85, nice sweater on 24, I take it a lot of 50s moms did 43, nice pear on 46, nice 50s bedroom on 55, nice chubby on 59, nice tigress on 47, 71, nice pointers on 80, nice bouncy on 98.

    1 - If you have to ask, you missed the last 16 years

    5 - I hit that mark in 1967.

  9. I'm fine with them sitting in jail/prison until their execution. But indeed, execution is the ONLY appropriate punishment for the crimes against humanity and rampant treason we have witnessed over the past 3 years. Nothing less will serve as "justice" nor discourage any future criminals.

  10. Thank you Sir, #46 stole my heart, #76 more age appropriate to me, #90 Ms. Aniston walk of shame is sexy, #105 Jessica Chastain is gorgeous.

  11. 2 - Unlike Mr Mayo, I prefer my biscuits and gravy, with chicken fried.
    5 - EXACTLY!
    13 - Crazy, horse girl. Perfect for a one night rodeo.
    18 - Hot SUB Mom.
    35 - Oh, my.....
    36 - Get in the cage, bait-boy.
    42 - POTN 1st Alternate
    43 - Vintage Cheesecake
    46 - A rarity for my POTN . A blonde. It happens.
    62 - Getting warmed up, I see.
    65 - Add a MACH I spoiler and that would be perfect.
    68 - Doc's welcome back gift.
    69 - Their arguments never make sense. Just irrational emotion and talking points, straight from their handlers.
    72 - OK. I'll overlook the blemishes - this time. POTN 2nd Alternate.
    75 - I will say she is well put together, for her age - or any other age, for that matter.
    79 - Lights are on.......
    80 - I'd LOVE to see all of that.
    82 - I'd rather your genes, darlin'.
    86 - And Califruitopia is its asshole.
    90 - Jen looks perturbed. '99 Rolling Stone photo shoot. Just me, but I think she is more attractive now.
    91 - Nopity, nope , nope, nope!
    98 - Reason #: 676387125343097821 why I love Cowgirl.
    101 - Ain't they all? It's in there somewhere.
    102 - Somebody can draw. 69 Camaro widebody concept.
    105 - HARD PASS! Looks too much like my Uncle's daughter.
    107 - Why not both?
    108 - MILF of the Night.
    112 - That is absolutely spectacular!
    113 - Really? I didn't see Johno anywhere?

    What an awesome way to end the week.
    Another fabulous FFFF and the return of Boiler Doc.
    I was just over there, last weekend.
    I was sorting out my cluttered bookmarks.
    Wasn't any activity, so I begrudgingly moved his bookmark to the INACTIVE folder.
    Happy to put it back into the line-up, again.
    Wonder if we could talk Angry Mike into coming back too?

    Have a great weekend, Boss!

    Whitehall, NY

  12. #6: Nice.
    #8: Pokies!
    #11: She's not going to make it with that top.
    #44: Lisa??
    #101: Great!!
    #107: !!!
    And lots of nice red. Just remember: once you've had red - -
    Overall, another great one, Irish.

  13. That last one. Some friends moved to Oz. I told 'em to be sure to pack everything upside down so it would be rightside up for unloading at the Antipodes, They'd gotten half the container loaded, and then called me. 'JC, you were kidding, right?'' Well yes, Shari. "Roger, everything out and start over!"

  14. BCE lost today. Swing over and leave a nice message if possible. The shape is pear

  15. I noticed on #88 that none of the gals they rejected had tits. Hopefully the ones they chose DID. But any of them would be better than the soy-boy "male"? attendants the airlines used the last time I flew commercial (2001).

  16. Nice wife on 4, 54, 83, 84, 85, nice tush on 17, very nice older lady on 19, nice mom on 21, 58, 75, nice blouse on 24, bet more than a few 50s wives did 43, nice tigress on 47, 71, nice madam (any era) on 55, nice plump on 59, nice bouncy on 98.

    wrt 1 - if you're still wondering, you haven't been paying attention ; 5 - I've been there since 1966.

  17. Hey Irish, 83 looks like her head was photoshopped on that body, got me thinking of the aliens in "Men in Black" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  18. This post truly shows the strength of buttons. Wow, that last GIF !!!

  19. Sweet Camaros and GTOs, great titties and topped off with onion rings. You truly are the man Irish. Thank you!

  20. Replies
    1. #18 seems fetishly 'Story of O'ishly John Lange/John Norman 'Gorean'ishly fun...

  21. Phrase from the Wayback Machine: "Look at the noses on them puppies!"


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