Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Eight more days until .gov creates millions of felons out of law abiding gun owners unless something changes between now and midnight the 31st



  1. ...Felons have it better than the law-abiding anyway, so this is what they call a "no-brainer..."

  2. I don't respect their authoritay because they don't have any to begin with.

  3. This “law” will be rejected by the courts. It is an in-house regulation designed to make felons out of lawful gun owners. Disassemble per instructions and store separately for the time being. Once it is thrown out, reassemble

    1. WUT? dunno what yer talking about . . .?

    2. "Get in the fuckin boxcar, they'll give you a train ride home once they decide they've done something wrong"....

  4. Gonna be interesting to see who blinks first.
    I almost wish I had one just so I could give them my best BFYTW.

    1. You're lagging, an AR pistol with a 10 or 11 inch barrel is the handiest, dandiest personal defense weapon for house out to 2-300 yards, depending on what type of sighting system you have. Light weight, dirt common, inexpensive, pieces parts.
      !#!#*#! Well shit, just went to Armslist, Washington. No AR's of any type when searching for "AR". Sorry Phil, apparently a month or a year late. I am so sorry, you have my deepest condolences.
      Flee east, you could make good money here doing general automotive jobs (or specialize in something of your choice) part time. I'm out in Podunk Tennessee, local shops are $80/hr. There are plenty of marginal mechanics in my area, private mechanics are much in demand.

  5. This will be very hard to enforce. Many made their pistols from parts on receivers the atf had no idea if the are pistols or rifles. Stoner created and opened the pandoras box. The only part of the AR that is papered on 4473 is the lower.

  6. Why would you want to own one of these? And do not tell me it is "your right" and it "looks cool". Anyone with half a brain who has studied the ballistics of the 5.56 cartridge knows the shorter the barrel, the less effective that 55/62/75 grain bullet becomes. Mr. Stoner designed that rifle with a 20-inch barrel. It was first discovered by Curtis LeMay at a barbeque attended by a Colt/Armelite rep who gave Lemay the rifle. He shot a watermelon and blew it to smithereens with one round. He ordered them for his Air Police who, up until that time carried M-1 Carbines. The Green Beanies acquired some during the early days of our Vietnamese "Police Action". They extolled the virtues of the rifle and the rest was history, along with a lot of snafus which caused needless deaths among the 11B Snuffies who carried it. My A-1 model had a three-pronged flash hider which caught on vines and branches. It had a chromed bolt and chamber which made it function just fine as long as it was saturated with LSA. My point is, if you own one of these Frankenstein "pistols", bury it under the house or declare it lost in a tragic boating accident. I own a full-size demi-auto AR because that is what the cops and the Army carry. I would rather have my old M-14 from basic training, but finances are a problem at the moment. Sooner, rather than later, this corrupt, degenerate, syphilitic-thinking country will go full Weimar. The Orcs and Orcettes with badges will be running for their lives and no one will give a hoot in Hell about pistol braces. Plan accordingly. Bleib ubrig. - DTW

    1. The AR platform isn't limitted to only 5.56 ammo. The 300 blackout was designed to perform optimally out of a barrel as short as 9 inches.

    2. Think outside the box Grasshopper.

    3. NOBODY owes you an explanation to exercise their rights. Don't like it? Good.

    4. DTW, the original M193 55gr 5.56 still performs properly out to 100yds with a 10 inch barrel (bullet yaws, breaks up). With premium ballistic tipped bullets, you can push that out to 2-300 yards. Makes for a super, light weight, house, truck, fight your way back home gun. the wife can handle it while you man the full size one.

    5. Only for ball ammo (ie M193). Better bullet design increases terminal ballistics. So it’s not really the rifles limitation as much as it is the ammo

  7. if they're going to make me a felon, I'll be the best felon I can be.

    my 3D printer goes BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. it's amazing what you can make with a 3D printer.

  8. 8 more days until they can go fuck themselves with a rusty shovel.

  9. 5th Circuit Appeals Court has issued a temporary stay on the pistol brace rule until the matter can be litigated. There are other cases on the rule pending in other jurisdictions. I'm thinking the "rule" will be overturned on several grounds, not the least of which is how does the ATF originally rule that the item is legal, then under another known anti-gun administration, who appointed some political hack, with no firearm experience to lead the agency, make the item illegal, turning all current owners into instant felons, if they choose not to comply.


  10. Weird how yall didn't care when donny banned bump stocks, lmao.

    So yall are selective regarding 2A

    1. I did care. The bump fire ban was as wrong as two boy screwing and I voiced my opinion then too, but allowing an agency "to make laws" (rules) without any recourse for the citizenry and then having said agency change their rules in midstream and after the fact is completely unacceptable. With all the other shady shit going in this country that .gov turns a blind eye to and now do this to law-abiding folks is a prime example of the rubber stamp banana republic we have become. Jeffery in Alabama

  11. It's liberating when you finally understand the vermin who create these laws cherry pick the ones they choose to abide by. "Freedom begins between the ears". I stopped giving a fuck about their bullshit years ago, recommend you do the same.

  12. bottom line out of all this, so what. "they" don't obey any laws so i aint going to either.

  13. Well, the 5th Circuit has given us some breathing room on this. And it looks like SCOTUS might be taking up the issue of Chevron Deference, which is at the root of ATF's arbitrary re-writing the 1934 National Firearms Act.


  14. well, if it comes right down to it. they really want to ban all firearms. but they "think' if it is only one at a time, we be okay with it. well, okay. take the pistol as long as I can keep my rifle kind of shit.
    remember what Mao said many years ago. "power comes from the barrel of a gun" and power is what these assholes
    want more than anything else. just remember back during the Covid scam. they couldn't wait to lock us all down .
    close stores and anything else they could get away with. fuck them.
    and also remember that the LOCAL COPS HELPED THEM DO ALL OF THIS SHIT TOO.
    if you have the tools and skills, you might want to look into "tube guns" really easy to make too. don't cost much either. if you buy any parts, pay in cash. ALL card sales are recorded to all time by the banks.
    unless you get a few "gift cards" somewhere else with cash and then go shopping.
    and buy ammo. ammo is the weak link. get something the clowns in power use. easy to resupply when it all goes south. dave in pa.

  15. Yall need firearms , for what exactly?
    Yall let a presidential election get "stolen" and did nothing. lmao


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