Saturday, May 20, 2023

An Alternative Energy I Can Believe In: Tina Turner & Ann Margret



  1. WOW.
    That was something else.
    A side of Anne Margaret I never knew about.
    And of course,

  2. We Don't Need Another HeroMay 20, 2023 at 3:19 PM

    Ann Margaret isn't coming.

  3. I love them both. Ann Margaret visited the troops in viet nam.

  4. If you can't like this you're demented!

  5. And she loved “her boys” as she called them. Too bad this was not done as one of the USO shows. Ann and Rene Russo have the most sultry sexy voices in the history of women actresses

  6. Watching these 2 Great Ladies was exhausting. I got tired just watching them bounce around.

  7. The youth of today have no idea of what they missed. Two real, unenhanced beautiful sexy women...Thanks for posting this.

    1. You are absolutely right Paulie. Ann was around 34 and Tina was 36 when this was took place. It was pure talent and natural looks. You are welcome by the way.

  8. served with a master SGT. back in the early 1980's. old timer for sure. but when he was laying in some hospital bed over there and the USO girls came thru. Raquel Welch came by and held his hand and talked with him for 5 minutes or so. I think the man was in love with her ever since. it was the only time I ever saw him smile was when he was talking about her and the other girls. he would have done anything for her . dave in pa.

  9. It was Ann Margret's show, so she got to wear the short-shorts. A criminal waste of one of Tina Turner's best features - I can't think of another time when Tina did not perform in a short skirt / short-shorts. Her legs were a national treasure.


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