Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Seismic Waves Traveling Across Europe After The Devastating Earthquake


At 01:17 UTC on Feb 6, 2023, an M7.8 earthquake hit Turkey and Syria. These are the seismic waves recorded in Europe. Each dot is a seismic station [source, GMV: buff.ly/3X8aM7K]




 VIA  <<




  1. There were some seismic waves going off in my bed this morning. Did you feel it over there where you are?

    1. I don't think the duration was long enough to detect.

  2. Lay off the beans.

  3. Lot's of quakes in that area. 126 total last few days, 56 in past day. Most 4-5.5 range.


    Steve S6

  4. As a Christian I really grieve for those folks....as a pragmatist; MEH

  5. Replies
    1. June I am laughing because that's my line but I did read a story today that some technology was used to cause it, can't remember if they blamed Americans or Russians. ps That was my Mom's name.

  6. Earth is Islamophobic

  7. Gravity waves (earth movement) travel approximately 8 miles/second. I've used that very useful info before.
    I was on the top floor of the Old National Bank (14 stories) when I was talking to a customer in Yakima, and he asked me, "Did you feel THAT??" I asked, "What?" "Earthquake!", he said. I hung up almost immediately and called the guys in the basement to let 'em know their earthquake alarm was going to be sounding off in the next 15 seconds, and as I was getting through to their heads what was going to happen.. it set off. They were amazed until I told them how they knew. Heh. Shut up, sit down, and fasten our seat belts!

    The building swayed slowly about 2 foot in each direction, lemme tell ya it was an odd feeling. I wasn't worried, this building can withstand a 6.6 to 7 on the MMI scale. Freaky nontheless.

    1. Many years ago, I was working for EDS up on the 6th floor of an 8 story office tower. It was just outside of Detroit, Michigan, not a place usually associated with earthquakes. It was a Friday afternoon and lots of people were wondering around socializing. Well, there was a bit of noticeable vibration... I thought it was just from all the movement in the building, or maybe a bunch of semis passing on nearby I-75... then I realized it was an earthquake. The local tv news took advantage of it to interview lots of people who had pictures fall or their collector Elvis plates break. A strange experience,

    2. Collector Elvis plates, that's funny shit right thar.

  8. I guess I'm not as hard hearted as I sometimes think I am. Here's a pic of a father holding his crushed daughters hand. Brought tears.


    From here:


  9. Probably has nothing to do with Turkey BLOCKING Sweden's entry into NATO.
    Ohio Guy


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