Saturday, February 11, 2023

Nothing I Will Do In The Rest Of My Mortal Life Will Compare To This...








 Although, I might give it a shot after some Jamesons!








  1. I'd be the 2nd guy. And prolly break some ribs in the process.

    That's how I roll...

  2. What I tell my students my life is... versus what it actually is.

  3. Ah, but is it real or is it photoshopped?

  4. Whoa-no! I sneeze wrong these days and pop a disc out.

  5. At least he wisely pulled his arms and legs and didn't belly flop to prove his "manliness."

    1. There was probably a bit of ice on the water-- don't wanna land on that-- and, due to distance, also used the axes to open the water before he hit, rather than use his feet or hands.

    2. Yeah thats what he did, lmao

  6. The recording time is manipulated during his fall, which alters your perception of the vertical distance. Why he thinks it is impressive to soak the handles of his axes in such a manner is beyond me. If the haft is loose in the axe eye you perform a proper repair. And soaking the handles in water is not a proper repair.

    1. Winter is not dry hammer handle season.

  7. Nobody said what condition he was after that event :-)

  8. Definitely a manly & impressive action, no question about that. My concern/question is; did he survive the dive? Now maybe the cam or video was cut, but I would prefer the video show his head break the surface with both hands still shaking the axes. Now that would be epic. IMO

    1. He (wisely) threw the axes away just before impact. It appears to me he threw them to the same side, indicating he wanted to rotate and land on his side. I think. Did he survive? Inquiring HMO's want to know!!

  9. Sure makes me wonder WTH is he fishing for?

  10. Rodney Dangerfield doing the Triple Lindy is an All-Timer.

    1. ya know what you never hear at these events? hecklers! [sound of air horn.]

    2. Nice edit work on the first one. Second one not so much.

      Bear Claw

  11. I used to be the first guy. I just turned 50 and realized I can't even be the second guy anymore. After many bad decisions and injuries I can't physically fight it. My aim is still pretty good though. Optics help where I am weak.

  12. 4+ decades in healthcare, much of it seeing ER patients. And I've seen TONS of video just like this, brought in by the patient, their family or their friends. May look awesome but it isn't a very smart thing to do. This is the type of country that Darwin and his gene pool filter lives in.

    1. If they wouldn't have started putting warning labels on everything and banning yard darts natural selection would have controlled the population and they would not have had to create C19. I am surprised there isn't a warning on cellphone cameras. That is where most accidents happen.

  13. Replies
    1. Once, sure. Twice? Subject to question.

  14. I want that guy on my side in a fight. Viking berserkers are always an asset. Nemo

  15. In re. the facility of Darwinian selection, it's already been overcome by our medical technology and supportive society.

    @Anonymous turned 50: wait another dozen years.

    Aside: Blogroll links to defunct Bitter Centurion blogspot site. IIRC, he's up somewhere else now - old brain don't remember details.
    -- Mr. Mayo

    1. Mr Mayo, I updated the Bitter Centurion. Thanks for the heads up.

  16. First one? Hell no! Not even after a CASE of Jameson's!

    President Elect B Woodman

  17. Any one know the title of the song or the name of the band?

  18. Death diving is a thing in Norway, apparently.


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