Saturday, January 7, 2023

"There are no illegal weapons, just illegal governments" : Bump Fire Stock Ban Overturned


I didn't agree with DJT's support of this ban even if it might have been posturing to  appease "anti-gunners" and the ignorant who believed the 'Vegas massacre was carried out by a "bump-fire gun toting shooter", but I imagine Trump knew it would be overturned in the courts eventually. Good guys 1------Commies 0 in this round.

Click HERE to read the rest of the story.

H/T to Bob in E-town


  1. I'm certainly no lawyer, but wouldn't this ruling (regarding BATF usurping Congressional authority) also apply to the current crusade against pistol braces?

  2. It's not the Liberals and anti-gunners who want this ban, it's primarily Communists and Socialists, neither of which are able to take over the governing of an armed public without such bans.

    1. Ha! Liberals are not commies. Liberals just don't realize they are commies obviously.

    2. Perhaps you've missed this but, they've already taken over. On top of all that, none of them got shot.

  3. The Las Vesgas mass shooting has many holes in the story. The first one I'll mention is very few spent cartridges in the hotel room there should have been hundreds even thousands of them everywhere. The next thing is listen to the audio there is more than one gun firing at a time. Someone else was shooting too. Also if you listen to the audio of the firing it doesn't sound like a bump stock it sounds like full auto. Then there is the massive hush up of the facts around the events leading up to and afterwards, it's almost as though there is something to hide LOL. Then there is the fact that the man's house burned up before investigators could check it out. And then the guys brother is indicted on totally unrelated charges as though he needed to be shut up. The signature charge, massive child porn on his computer, is the signature of the FBI frame up. And so much more that simply denies the narrative. put out there by law enforcement.

    1. And the Sheriff lied his azz off, and was caught doing so.

  4. Re-reading Unintended Consequences by John Ross. I am towards the end, the good part. Waiting for the real life story to come true. May it be made so for people like mr. chhipmann.

    Bear Claw

  5. "I imagine Trump knew it would be overturned in the courts"

    I didn't think it was physically possible. To down that much copium. Without dying of "suddenly".

  6. "...but I imagine Trump knew it would be overturned in the courts eventually". Trump didn't know anything of the sort. He's a Constitutional ignoramus, who surrounded himself with deep state sycophants.
    He also supported red flag laws, quote "we'll take the guns first, then have due process" (video is out there, I'm too lazy to search it right now), and he supported the unconstitutional jab mandates.
    Since leaving office, he has recanted none of this. In fact, he still supports getting the jab. Fuck him.
    Don't get me wrong, he did some great things and best of all he exposed the rot in our system of government, but he couldn't pass a high school civics test.

    We all need to move on and realize no one is coming to save us. We're on our own. What happens in DC is a manufactured soap opera and all the players are making a fucking fortune on your back, laughing at you while mandating that you fork over your wealth.

    1. TO:"Don't mind me".....I'm am proud to finally find somebody who feels the same EXACT way I feel. Word-for-word I've felt this way about him. I was thinking I was alone. You sir, are a critical thinker with common sense that has refused to drink the kool-aid.Thank You for seeing Trump for what he really is. Once a New York Democrat, always a New York Democrat.

  7. ...and are the people that already turned in their bump stocks going to get them back or be compensated? Is the company that made them going to re-establish manufacturing and sue for restraint of trade? Will the shit weezel in charge at Dee Ohh Jay file a counter suit at SJC?


  8. ...and even if CONgress passes a law outlawing them, it will be overturned at SJC.


  9. I don't give a shit what they outlaw or over turn. Nobody gets to dictate what I will possess. The very nerve.
    signed, the Raging Patriot

  10. There's a subtle irony in the idea that the very people the 2nd amendment was designed to protect us from believe they have ANY say in how we exercise that right. Newsflash, tyrant wannabes, MY rights are no mans, nor womans to bestow, deny nor dictate conditions upon. Don't like it? Good. Fuck you.

  11. You cannot "appease" the anti-gunners. They want ALL types of firearms and weapons and their related accessories.


  12. The 1934 NFA needs to be repealed. The 1968 GCA needs to be gutted. These are ALL infringements. "Shall not be infringed". The 2nd states Arms, not just firearms. Think about it.

  13. Trump's a fraud who played on the emotions of tea party Republicans and gave them hope that there was someone powerful out there standing up for what they believe in. He proved who he really was with the bump stock ban and his vaccine push. Go listen to Tommy G's November 11th No Mercy podcast titled The Party's Over (episode 80), he spells it all out around the one hour mark. You won't look at Trump the same way again.

  14. Trump supporters and the vaccinated are the same kind of people, they're too invested to take a rational look at the evidence and admit they were wrong.


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