Friday, January 6, 2023



  I'm still here, been busy.  Closing out last year, starting up the new year. Watching the world burn.

There have been a bunch of subjects to post on or about but I just haven't had the time or motivation to 

fire up the interface. By the time I get around to it, I already have other things that need attention.


Somewhere along the way I pulled some muscles behind my left shoulder blade and it hurts like a 

damn toothache. That put a kink in the physical stuff to get off the holiday pounds. 

The weather has been gray and drizzle/rain off and on and no sun to brighten the sky. 


Just like every time I log into the current event section of social media or news. WTF?

It's clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right and me, stuck in the middle.


FFFF is kinda drafted so I'll see where that is later today. As of now I have a couple site

visits this morning and some shit to finish after lunch. In the meantime, I have to complete

the online OSHA30 training.

I'm alive, just hate my alarm clock lately :)




  1. Hang in there brother, we're all right there with you at the end of our ropes, too.
    Thats part of their plan, to wear everyone down. The funny part is, they don't realize that when it happens, when we collectively 'break' and say "Fuck It!", that it will apply to them as well. A purge is coming, you can smell the violent undertones. It will be vicious, fast, and very bloody. God will have to sort them out. Don't get caught in the crossfire. Know your tribe.

  2. Quit your whining, we'll wait, maybe.

    Bear Claw
    It's great to be vertical and breathing suddenly.

  3. I don't know where you find all of the gems you post in FFF, but just know that it is appreciated by your many readers, like me. Thanks!

  4. Waking up on the right side of the grass on a Friday is a pleasure all its own, knowing that evening brings another spectacular round of FFF.


  5. We did not sign up for this getting older crap.....Keep the faith brother.

  6. Good luck on the OSHA 30 stuff. Just did it myself a couple months ago. Can’t think of much that is more mind numbing.

  7. osha 30, fun
    had to do it in one weekend to get back on a jobsite, started 8pm friday finshed 3am monday, sucked

  8. I have no idea what OSHA30 is, thank God, too old. Speaking of which, a heating pad and mild stretch exercises do wonders for my beat up, old, aching, back (opioids are optional). Thanks for entertaining and educating us.
    Tree Mike

  9. I feel that pain. I teach osha 30 in person...Brutal!

  10. Irish, it sounds like you need to make a visit to a good chiropractor. 15 years of beekeeping a large side liner apiary has taken it's toll on my back. Usually I visit my chiropractor on average about twice a month. Getting old sucks!

  11. As a person in my seventies, all I can say is get used to pain. Things will hurt for no demonstrable reason today and won't hurt tomorrow, but something else will. Father of a younger friend of mine calls it the mysterious wandering pain.

  12. Irish, other than the shoulder blade, I am feeling exactly like you are. I feel like suddenly, nobody (Republicans) is looking out for freedom and the constitution. Look at the spending bill the Senate just passed thereby crippling the new House, and look at the (most) House members gleefully supporting a RINO in KM. I don't understand. It is like I fell asleep before the 2016 election and woke up in 2023, TRUMP never happened, nobody fought to drain the swamp, and everything is as it was during Bush's/Obama's terms. The 2022 election seemed to be all about ridding the country of every ounce of political Trump support so that we can get back to "the swamp".

  13. It's clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right and me, stuck in the middle....with us. I feel ya.


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