Thursday, December 22, 2022

A PSA From Uncle Irish, There Is Still Time....




 and , or these as well....






  1. The first thing you do is back the car out of the garage and press the reset button on the garage door opener, and then reprogram your opener.

  2. When my wife graduated High School, her present was a set of luggage. She got the message. Time to make that a tradition everywhere it seems.

  3. Don't forget flushing the toilet... We're on septic!!!

  4. If there are any wives in the comment section - please take this advice:

  5. Or give the advice like my Dad always told me, don't be an a**hole all your life.

  6. When I was 17 years old, my father asked me if I had any hair on my ass. Obviously insulted by the insult to my manhood, I replied " yes, as a matter of fact, I do." He looked me in the eye and said " no one roof can cover two hairy asses , time for you to find somewhere else to live ."
    Point made, point taken.

  7. Raise em right and you won't have to raise em for long.

  8. MUH DIK!

    It's magic! And. Stuff.

    (And, by "stuff", I don't mean things self-identified "fellow" "people" said. Before I gave them my wallet. Scented by muh dik. At all.)


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