Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Quick Notes and Random Observations...


  Locally , there seems to be a lot more car accidents reported and more talk of

younger and middle age people being diagnosed with cardiomyopathy. 

Stuff is taking longer to procure at work and everyone seems inept.


Must be that damn climate change....... 



What kind of off-kilter stuff are you seeing?


  1. Great idea! Can't censor everything on the internet!
    Supply side disruptions at grocer here. Some stores have inventory hit and miss, brands do seem to be having troubles - will offer 12 oz size but not 16 oz. That sorta thing. Maybe see a different brand than normal. Certainly less stock on shelves. Store-brands seem more impacted than major retailers. Gas flirting with 2.99/gal here in EastTN on Thanksgiving 2022.

  2. people around me falling on their faces due to colds flu covid etc...
    ; 2-3 visits a day from fire rescue (old folks complex)
    5 left just this last week due to stupid new rules enforced by management...
    can't even walk into office w/o a drs cert...

  3. "Stuff is taking longer to procure at work"

    Our purchasing agent says not to expect anything to get much better for at least a year.

    For what it's worth, he's been saying the same thing for at least a year now.

  4. mainly crazy air traffic here. lots of civilian planes flying with no call signs or flight info posted. lots of mil flights doing random sightseeing runs instead of straight lines to destination type runs, lots of surveillance planes up at one time. twenty seven tankers up over the u.s. all at once? as to people, lots of road rage, lots of disregard for rules of the road etc. lots of "closed due to staffing issues" including my fav restaurant. i ask "where's all the young people". nobody knows.

    1. It sounds like you are using SkyGlass or something like it. I recommend checking out "Monkey Werx US" on YouTube if you haven't already seen him.

  5. Hey Irish,

    Longtime since I posted or said hello.
    I hope you and yours are doing well and staying warm.

    I tried to post the following, but there was an error when I clicked to publish.
    It just states an error occurred while trying to publish your comments.

    Here's what I was trying to publish.

    I'm seeing coworkers getting sick (cold, flu, sinus) more often. 3 coworkers have been sick 3-5 times now over the last year, they can't shake it, and they state they need to go and get a Covid test. I tell them that they can't get Covid because they've been vaccinated and boosted (sarc). I'm not running out and getting a Polio test.
    I know a couple who are trying to have a kid with no success yet since both getting vaxxed.
    Happy Thanksgiving Irish and Jeffery!

    I hope y'all have a wonderful Thanksgiving and holiday season.
    Take care,

    Added by me, Irish. From an email.

  6. Seeing the same thing an hour west of Nashville, it's worse in Nashville. I see a lot of confused, distracted, stupid acting, normal folks. It's the clot shots and 5G, GMO's, chem trails, etc. Some folks are more susceptible than others. Not all the clot shots are the same. A terrible reckoning is coming to all those involved with it.
    Tree Mike, just some ole guy unhappily watching the shit show grow. Look after your loved ones and friends, we're gonna need each other.

  7. I'm seeing more people who can't seem to drive anymore. In one day I saw 3 people drive across verges.

    Last week for mens health day or local health authority sent out a flyer on getting checked for mens cancers. Normally the stats for diagnosed in the calendar year show way more prostate cases than trsticular and most people being 40 plus. This year testicular cancer is way up and predominantly effecting 20 to 30 year olds and it mentioned an increase in hyper aggressive categories. A friends 27 year old son was diagnosed with it this year and seems to be in remission but is now unable to father kids.

    At work i'm noticing people making weird mistakes. One coworker knew it was 2022 but argued aggressivly next year was 2021 and would not believe anyone who said next year was 2023.


    1. One of the nastier side effects is the brain being affected by microclots. Have you seen the videos of people suddenly seeing things, swatting at the air, then falling over? Brain clots, usually on a MASSIVE scale that affects brain function. Check out the "died suddenly" video on Rumble.

      Hunker down, it's going to get a helluva lot worse!

  8. Here's a link to the new documentary "Died Suddenly" on Rumble.


  9. where I work we are having trouble getting replacement components . An air cylinder for a welder has a twenty week lead time ! We are having problems with staffing too we get a bunch of temps in and by break 1/3 of them have split we might have two out of thirty at the end of the week. The grocery stores have open spots on the shelves that they dont even try to hide anymore .Food prices continue to spiral out of control and energy costs are on the rise as well. I used to be able to survive on a 40 hour check , but now I've been working every scrap of overtime that I can . I have made more money this year that ever but can barely make ends meet. Thanks Joe way to ...you know the thing...

  10. The implosion is sadly on cruise control at highway speed right now. Pretending otherwise won't help...act accordingly/as you are led.

  11. Can't get industrial electronics for months; servos, motors, and gearboxes the same way. Locally I seem to find plenty of what I don't need but little of what I do need. Quality has went to crap on a lot of items, needed some grade 2 bolts for shear pins on my bush hog, got them from the box store. A friggin' mole hill sheared one, put in another, small shrub got it. Went to the farm store and bought more, work fine. Getting screwed on gas around here too, $3.75-$3.95, drive 30 minutes south, and it's 50 cents cheaper.

  12. Our soviet-style supply chain is all encompassing, at this point. I needed a new axle shaft for a 9 inch ford last summer (MILLIONS made over the years) so you'd think you could find one layin in the gutter if needed. Nope. Waited over 3 months for the folks at Curry because they were struggling to source them.

  13. Lots more emergency sirens these days

  14. John Galt is alive and well.


    1. No, John Galt foolishly got or was forced to get The Jab and is now living on borrowed time!

  15. I thought it was just me, but incompetence, or total "I dont care" attitude abounds. Yesterday at Lowes, I needed some lumber, needed someone to help me as did several other people. We searched for an employee in building supplies for what seemed like 15 minutes, even the contractors desk was empty. Came to the conclusion that they ALL went on break at the same time. Brilliant. I went somewhere else.
    More than half of the web sites of etailers are either incomprehensible and/or bug invested. CLick on something and nothing happens. Exception seems to be Amazon who's web sites work and are easy to use, although I am no fan of Bezos, he apparently actually knows how to actually run a business and is kicking his competitors asses.
    I could go on for pages about the fuster cluck Century Link has became in recent years.
    Credit card companies many mistakes are impossible to find someone competent to fix them even after hours and hours on the phone. No speakee Englishee. Exception Discover which I now use exclusively.
    Not to natter on, but it seems to me that a somewhat competently run business could easily bury their competitors. Assuming they can find competent management these days which I doubt.

    1. Same.. supply chain is twisted and "inept" is putting it very mildly..

    2. I call it the global competency crisis. In my business I'm seeing major IT projects fail because internal customers can't articulate their own processes. They don't even know what they are supposed to be doing for a living. I work for a major defense company and I spend a good part of every day explaing to people in the company how the company works. And I see it everywhere I go. I call it "Blank Stares R Us".

  16. "Stuff is taking longer to procure at work and everyone seems inept."

    As I remember you are in manufacturing.

    Weird shit going on. Everyone was freaking out about aluminum disappearing. Aluminum was a little hit and miss for about 6 weeks but looks like it stabilized. Hardware is another story. Linear friction reducing elements, ball and roller bearing to you and I, are impossible to find. As are bushing, etc etc. DFAR compliant hardware in general is tight. And I wish they'd stop calling TRANSPORTATION the SUPPLY CHAIN. Stupid fxcks.
    Inept might be an understatement. We decided to stop pricing material out to multiple suppliers and just go straight to the handful of guys that can deliver on time.
    We've been in biz over thirty years and this is by far the worst I've ever seen it. Seems to be a total lack of focus.

  17. I work in the nat gas pipeline industry. We have been waiting for the internal parts for a 3-phase breaker panel since July - original date it was supposed to be delivered. We ordered 20 hazardous rated 3-phase disconnects about the same time, 3 came without internal parts, one came with broken internal parts. Electric 3-phase motors seem to be available for common sizes/HPs. Electric valve operators lead times have doubled to 4 months. Labor wise, the people I work with are generally the same as always, less than bare minimum, been that way for 22+ years

    1. I'm seeing gate valves in common sizes like 3in to 8in 600ansi with prices and deliveries all over the map. Ones in stock like 10times regular price and not in stock 20plus weeks delivery.

      Sparkies ordered a new MCC panel, was quoted as 28 weeks. Should have been here nov 1, now showing up maybe march next year.


  18. Semi-retired, working part- time at an Ace Hardware near Tampa. Receiving about 40% of weekly order from our two warehouses.

  19. Beef is still available but the prices - wow! A lot of common foods for the home have gone up too.

    And while this is totally off-the-cuff, I'm seeing a lot more people from my Shul passing away. I don't really attend much, so I don't know them personally, but I get the emails. Happening a lot more often it feels.

    1. We grow beef in a very small out of the way rural community. Just sent a load to auction: prices (at this level) are up (good for us). Can't speak to deaths in this (general) area or sickness but we are in the seemingly perfect place to live given the current times. Fuel always high (and slowly creeping upward which figures into our small operating operation. Politically this place seems evenly divided between D and R's: there are idiots everywhere it appears (of course New Mexico is one of the most corrupt states in the US) but the trickle down consequences does not effect us (here) much.

  20. Since the scamdemic, I've noticed oncoming traffic crossing the centerline much more than before.

  21. Lots more sickness than usual--not just the vaxx side effects. Many people who were never vaxxed but have had the coof (antibodies!) seem to have upper respiratory problems--constant sinus drip, lack of energy, lack of endurance. And it never quite goes away. Annoying, and wears you down after a while.

    1. I've had a couple of the jabs....required by the VA simply to volunteer there. My wife has had all all jabs...she actually believes the bs the government puts out. Anyway both of us have exactly the respiratory problems, lack of energy and endurance you describe. She way worse than me. I think that Covid was designed and intentionally released to get rid of old people, ie those the communists refer to as "useless eaters". Although it worked well on the very old and infirm, they needed to jabs to finish off a bunch of the younger old people and more healthy useless eaters.

  22. In the Northeast three miles from the latest lone driver mass casualty event. Gas is heading back into >$4 a gallon territory. Meat is a luxury.
    A woman I know, a handicapped Vet, couldn't make her rent this month. Probably for the first time in her life she asked me to borrow a grand. I gave it to her. I know I won't get it back. The lady is already living on credit cards.
    But good news. All local crime is under control. I know this since I was pulled over this week for driving with a bike rack on my car, and no bike.
    My electric bill went up 26% from last month.

    I'm your huckleberry. Bring it.

  23. yes transpo, supply chain, werk quality. teleshirk doesnt help. not driving around much esp on freeway so i dont see too many road mishaps. kid does and he mentions it. yes more sirens. i know of a bunch of deaths 2-3 peeps removed, including some people i may have met but really didnt know or talk to. someone i knew slightly better died a few weeks ago - sure he was jabbed. / went to a halloween party a few weeks ago though. hadnt been to see these people in like 4 years. they all looked older yes. and like they were fading away and moving much slower. much talk of sickness and major health issues. most jabbed more than once. one lucked out and manage dto get a replacement kidney... and while not 100% healthy... i remain unjabbed and apparently looking great...

  24. It ain't just airline pilots "suddenly becoming unresponsive".

    And "just in time" has become "maybe by Easter".
    Retailers can't keep a simple common but necessary item like cotton crew socks on the shelves.

    Every retail store I visit now, even in upscale neighborhoods, looks like Sears stores used to look 5 years before they went completely bankrupt: like they were ass-raped by herds of elephants and rhinoceros, and the leftovers sorted by a pack of baboons on crack. Every. Single. Day.

    Drive-thru assclowns pulling $16/hr wages can't get a simple soft drink order right 2 times out of 4.

    I can count the actual COVID cases I've seen in the last 6 months on my thumbs, and no one's died from it in-hospital in over a year, and the news still yaps about "cases" as if that matters fuck-all.

    Food prices at any restaurant are up 100%. Fast food, sit-down, and really nice: same-same.
    That wasn't a typo: they're all exactly double what I paid last year.

    I can hardly wait to see next year's car insurance rates and rental lease agreement.

  25. Went to Dunkin' Donuts drive thru to order a sandwich. "Ovens are broke, no hot sandwiches". After several requests for a large coffee and two donuts, she finally had sour cream ones available. Then she mumbled "hot or cold". Asked her to repeat and finally figured she meant hot or iced. Sure it's almost December and I want an iced coffee. Pulled up to window, paid almost seven dollars. She was all pimply faced with tatts on her fingers and piercings. Never said thank you. Pull out to wait at a long red light and took a sip of coffee and bite of donut. Got my hand covered with the glaze, so reached into the bag for a napkin. There were none. Immediately backed up and went up to the drive-up window. Waited two minutes for the bitch to get out of the back room and notice me. I said "no napkins". She grabbed a few in a bunch and gave them to me, no apology.
    Back in the day, every DD had a donut guy there 24/7. They would keep all 52 varieties stocked fresh. Now they deliver them from a central location once a day. If they run out of your favorite by 10 AM it's tough shit for you.
    While I was out, my wife called. Propane company was at home to make my first delivery on a newly refurbished 500-gallon tank I purchased for my new standby whole house generator. I've been waiting 5 weeks. Told them on two different occasions to give me a 24 hr. heads up, since the driver /tech would have to do a pressure and leak test and I needed to be there to explain the work I had done. They could not give me a day but promised it would be before Thanksgiving. Long story short, driver claims she had no such instructions, so I missed the boat and will have to start the process all over again.
    In the meantime, I have been waiting for 3.5 months for an electrical contractor to show up to finish wiring up my generator and automatic transfer switch. I've already done most of the work. Just needed them to pull permit and finish the wiring changes. It was scheduled for today. They called yesterday and had to reschedule for Nov. 30 because meter department for power company is shut down all week for Thanksgiving vacation.
    Sorry for the rant, but almost every day goes like this for me. I'm 75, officially retired builder, but I still work almost every day doing smaller remodels for former clients. The insanity just keeps getting worse. We live in a world where no one is accountable, has an excuse for everything and is a victim.

    1. You still get permits?

    2. I'm no longer licensed, but it's for my own house. Technically, I could pull the permit as the homeowner, but had shoulder replacement surgery recently and decided to let electrician finish the work.

  26. Lot's more paranoid folks, worried about what they might catch without that mask. Hospitals are full and it's not covid it seems to be everything. Seeing more 'homeless' (bums when I was a kid). Can't seem to find trained people to fill jobs at work. The 'I don't give a shit' attitude seems to be popular amongst the service folks. Haven't seen anyone but myself push a shopping cart back into the store in weeks. Still glad I live where I live though, crime isn't real bad and most folks can drive if they stay off the phone.

  27. People seem to be paying some attention to "metric football" aka soccer.
    Another sign of American decadence.

  28. The fact that we are here, discussing this, puts us way up on the average normie, who at this point KNOWS deep deep deep somewhere in his/her/they propaganda-ized lizard brain shit aint right. They just don't know why, maybe some unfinished inklings bouncing around in the noggin at this juncture, but still too brain-addled to be anything other than on edge, suspicious, and foul mood.
    I suspect I'm like most here, prepping my ass off, doing what I can where I can, but deciding not to let the bastards get me down. Fuck them, I'm going to live the rest of my life at war, yes most likely I'm 71, but I'm going to do it with a smile.
    So if i'm out and about, I do. I engage people, say hi, smile, and generally get the strangest reactions. A few, shocked to see a smile, quickly return in kind, as if dying of thirst. Most just look dazed, zombie-fied.
    I had this notion the young ones who survive this war we are in will be our future pioneers, toughened and hopefully with functional reproductive systems intact.

  29. Saw yesterday on local news power supplier has asked for a 10 percent rate increase. They will get it, I can't recall one ever being denied.

    Bear Claw

  30. So, the vax is working? Bill Gates must be so happy...

  31. Southern prepper 1 on YouTube does a boots on the ground episode every day now where viewers send in observations of shortages, layoffs and other indications of hard times ahead. Keep prepping

  32. stress - everywhere
    people running out of gas
    Diesel hoarding
    3-10% surcharges at restaurants
    3 servers at a cracker barrel all over 55 and half the store closed with 28000 college students
    Many shortages and delays (we build highways all over)
    Financials tightening everywhere
    Real inflation 25-40%
    Everyone i know in trades would never take a pay cut. They will just retire and shut down their business.
    FED has f*cked over this country as much or more as the politicians.
    Civil war is coming


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