Wednesday, November 9, 2022

On A Positive Note....



  It's almost Friday...








  1. Yup downstate New York put her back in office. By a pretty close margin I might add. Upstate needs to secede.

    1. Virtually EVERY STATE is red with blue cities if you look at electoral maps. Not that "red" guarantees more freedom, liberty, etc. but we most certainly do NOT have homogenous states of voters. Time for a national divorce, and the best way to begin that is the dissolution of the federal government. They cause 90% of the problems.

  2. Can't get here fast enough...Cheers!

  3. I don't normally drink alone at home, but today I think will be an exception. Whiskey for breakfast!


    1. ...and lunch and dinner, with leftovers for tomorrow.

    2. Is it ok to set up an IV drip?

  4. Looks like I was right Irish. Nemo

  5. Of course, they stole it. Brazil isn't standing for it; why should we?

  6. Pour me one Irish!!

    Bear Claw

  7. Well, I was figuring that the Demoncraps were planning on throwing the election, Biden resigning so kneepads could "Select Shillery" as Vice President then resign making her "Time has COME" as President of the Titanic.

    A mixed election is sand in the wheels of the World Economic Forum's you'll own nothing and BE Happy". Not a lot of sand if the WEF plan is reducing the useless eaters by a small nuclear exchange between Russia and America.

    Some facts remain, the ole Mississippi is too low for food transport (SO Beans, Wheat, Corn is sitting on the ground with tarps IN THE RAIN instead of moving to markets), fertilizer plants are shutting down due to price of natural gas, Truckers are nearly broke from high diesel prices, my fuel bill for winter has doubled SO FAR, refuels still ahead if it's a harsh winter.

    OH, and I'm SURE the Democrap SOLUTION to High Food Prices is MOAR EBT Emergency funding. Like Fake Money could create a single loaf of bread to BUY.

    If you think things are expensive NOW, save those receipts for fire starters when you get to burn trash barrels for survival.

    As my Drill SGT said "Move it or lose it".

    1. My Drill SGT said "If my aunt had balls would she be my uncle?" for all the hypothetical "If" questions.

      Shit ain't funny anymore.

      But Top saying "Sympathy is in the dictionary between Shit and Syphyllus" after calling the open 5-ton on a monsoon day "The Rain Wagon" is still hilarious...

  8. Never-ending glass of whiskey.........

    President Elect B Woodman

  9. Seems to be an optimum moment to pull that bottle away....lest it all get sucked back up. Its Friday somewhere isn't it??

  10. I live in PA....there's not enough booze.

    1. There's not enough hooch in all of Christendom to numb us after the election yesterday.

  11. Something to keep in mind. Of Trump's endorsed candidates 9 losses, 174 wins. Public is 73% against the Demos. The states that were obvious thieves last time are obvious thieves this time. Or do you really believe people voted for Goiterman?

    Brandon was bragging about helping steal the election in Brazil. This is what the people down there are doing.

    For a start.

  12. LMAO! I have just this minute finished watching The Planet Of The Apes....


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