Sunday, October 16, 2022









  1. You have no idea. I believe you turned 59 or 60 (for the first time ;-)) ) this year. Wait until you hit your middle 70's and you open your eyes and everything is a sort of a dull ache before you even move. You think back to the day before trying to figure out why and you come up with ... nothin'.


  2. I am older now than my grandfather was when he retired as a plant electrician in 1973, working as a career FF/EMT, riding motorcycles, kayaking, etc. I have all my own teeth, whereas my grandparents wore full dentures since middle age. The old man crap is just a numerical anamoly. Even before he retired, my Papa seemed old.

    1. Agree. 63 here and a funny thing happened the other day. I was at the Dr,s office and a cute young gal I'd never seen before was checking people in. The guy ahead of me was dressed in rags, hunched over a walker, dragging an oxygen bottle and looked near death. In need of some compassion to be sure. I overheard him say his age and he was 5 years younger than me and she treated him very respectfully. When I got up there she looked at me and told me I should take her out to lunch. I'm a married man but I gotta tell ya I thought about it. Take care of yourself, stay active, keep a good mindset and remember the number of people older than you is always decreasing!

  3. Every. Freakin'. Day.

  4. you aint seen nothin' yet !

  5. What's even weirder is looking at my Grandfather in the mirror every day.

  6. Replies
    1. Until you try doing something you could easily accomplish when you were 20.
      Then you are FORCIBLY reminded of your age. like it or not.

    2. So true. Your mind lets your overload your ass if you are not careful.

  7. Damn, I was going to say something but I forgot what. Maybe if I go into another room.....

  8. Age? A social construct, my mind is as an impetuous, curious, rascally imp of 16. My body knows I am a decrepit, perverted old asshole and even that doesn't work as when I was 16...

    1. Ah, yes..... we fools are to old to remember 16, much less act like it!

    2. I'm always being told to act my age... to which I reply, "I am--- I'm a senile 75!"

  9. Yes. Yes I do! It kind of sucks, but beats the alternative. Today is my 65th birthday. I've outlived my dad who passed at 63. So I got that going for me.

  10. Got my Biblically allotted 3-score-and-ten last August. Now I tell people I'm either into extra innings or sudden death! either way I will not go quietly. I am on a volunteer Search-And-Rescue team, Public Service Diver, Aquarium Diver, and try to get in a brisk 5K walk at least 5 days a week. Sit still and you grow moss, keep moving and the Reaper has to run to catch you!


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