Friday, October 28, 2022

Friday Femme Fatale Farrago........









Stay safe out there and enjoy the last weekend of October!







  1. 3: The career of Jackson Pollock (and, no, I'm not kidding).

    Nice looking older lady on 13, 23, nice airbags on 28, nice bush on 32, nice, um, on 37, nice powdered donuts on 75, nice everything on 113, nice tush (among other things) on 120, nice bouncy on 156.

  2. 2 that was not fair, I was expecting a flasher and all I got were a couple of sugar tits, oops pumpkins.
    14 those eyes
    23 gorgeous milf
    55 those eyes again
    59 opinions are like assholes everybody has one
    106 and the pedo's are at our PUBLIC libraries. some irate parent will show up with guns blazing
    111 may the force be with you. Those are AT-AT's
    124 Conspiracy theories - There aren't any left. they've all proven true
    129 Now that's talent. I think I'm in love, but I wouldn't be a challenge for her
    131 Bliz '78, I was skiing in VT. mid thigh deep powder and no one on the slopes. We were laughing at
    MA being shut down. A couple weeks later I went to visit my parents who lived between Boston
    and Worcester. Weeks after the storm there was four feet of snow in their yard.
    146 Hi! Goodnight! - Fetterwoman
    153 I think that red head needs help with her massage. I volunteer.
    154 dropped boxers definitely Kamalamala. She a pro, allegedly ;-))
    157 Buttplug, another Bribem appointee who doesn't know shit from shinola. Fits right in with his boss
    163 line goes just to the left of the rabbit unless you're Chinese. Then it's all the way left and includes
    animals not pictured, including bats. Then again if the predicted food shortages materialize,
    everything pictured is fair game.

    Yesterday, all day, I thought it was Friday. I logged on about 8:30 last night looking for FFF then did it a couple more times between 8:30 and 9:00. I finally figured it out after looking at my I/O thermometer display which also displays day, date and time.

    Thanks for another entertaining FFF. Have a great weekend.


  3. 2 - Massive let down. Started off really promising.
    11 - Hmmmm. I like the look.
    13 - Oh yeah. Hitting the Hot Moms early this week.
    17 - Even I like that.
    19 - Mistress of the Dark
    21 - Snack time.
    22 - Second from the right is the solid pick. Rock your socks off. The rest are posers.
    27 - Interesting take on the Ying / Yang symbol.
    36 - Sounds like leftist snark to me.
    40 - POTN 2nd Alternate
    48 - Obviously they've never been in central NY during Southern Zone rifle season. There's a reason I only hunt the Adirondacks.
    53 - I won't tell if you won't.
    55 - POTN 1st Alternate
    63 - MILF of the Night
    66 - My first ex had nips like those. Only thing I miss about her. Talk about dodging a mortar round.
    80 - Nope.
    86 - Wow.
    87 - Yeah. I'll pass.
    107 - That would be thin Aluminum, not fine. My FIL used to TiG Skoal can lids after cutting them in half with tin snips. Still fit the can correctly.
    109 - When luck and skill collide.
    111 - Are we on Hoth?
    112 - Absolutely gorgeous. My POTN.
    117 - With friend like those, who needs Porn Hub?
    119 - E4OD?
    121 - Looks like 12 million doesn't go as far as it used to.
    123 - That is a GM dash. Take it for what it is worth.
    124 - Just because I am paranoid, doesn't mean they aren't out to get me.
    126 - I do love a shy girl.
    131 - 9 years old and shoveling my ass off.
    133 - So sweet...... if it weren't for those damn bar-bells.
    137 - Lynda and Loni. Both would be an exceptional treat. If I had to choose; no contest. Sorry, Loni.
    147 - Ed is paying attention, now.
    151 - YEAH! Fuck you, Debbie. Friggin' Bitch!
    153 - Most likely a vampire. So, yeah - I'm probably going to die.
    161 - Cute, little tease.
    166 - What in the actual fuck? Yes, I do know it is real. We are in a payloader, not a handbasket.
    171 - Wasn't that on the other side. Wasn't what on the other side? Your hump. I HAVE A HUMP?
    174 - Rather pleasant look about her.
    178 - I prefer if they all got kinetic lead poisoning.

    Another outstanding collection. I don't know how you do it every week?
    Regardless; thanks, Boss.
    Have a great weekend.

    Whitehall, NY

  4. Just finished yelling at my t.v. cuz a cdc ad came up saying another fucking jab was ready for the fucking sheep.
    Thanks for the diversion.


  5. Bugs was a wise Abbot.

    Bear Claw

    1. Wabbit, damn spell check.

      76 A special find Margaret Nolan, aka Vicki Kennedy "Dink"

  6. The Blizzard of '78... yup, was there-- stranded at work for three days... best thing about it was the overtime pay for 16 hours a day.
    Some very nice "bountifuls" this week. Thank you. Also for the giggle memes.

  7. Great way to start the weekend. Awesome randomness, and hotness. Thank you Sir

  8. Definitely enjoying the last Saturday in October. Winter is coming...
    Thanks for another good week Irish.

  9. Right up there with your best.
    #3 - The millionaire paid $25k in taxes.
    #48 - There are plenty of insufferable, all-natural, organic, gluten free, fair trade, non-GMO, free range, idiots out there in my experience.
    #90 - It took me a solid 2 minutes to move on to #91.
    #109 - Only a victory if the engine didn't have to come out first.

  10. I like the two with the sixty’s hair-do’s.

  11. You have outdone yourself on this one Irish. Excellent!!

  12. When are you going to post women pics?

  13. #2
    Sometimes, you get lemons!

  14. Lost count, but it was a cool ride!!

  15. #109-for the younger guys who don't have a clue and/or never get dirty fingernails: that is what happens when you try to change #5 plug on a 6 cylinder transverse engine and before you know it a weekend is shot to hell, especially if-as Matthew mentions-you have to pull the engine first. Kind of like when Irish lost his wife's license plate screw-a whole lot of time shot to hell. Still, it beats watching tv.


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