Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Business as usual in demokratic (commie) controlled New York City.


Saw them first at Wired Right



  1. You have something against green people? Whaaaaaaaaaaa.

    1. I am not prejudiced against green people, but I detest rude behavior.

  2. You see crime after crime in these videos in big cites all over the U.S. and there is something common among the perps. Can't quite put my finger on what it is. Something obvious. The teens are great examples of this but no one ever comes out and says what we are all thinking. That elusive commonality that cannot be said outloud.

  3. Wouldn't it have been wonderful to see some Bernie Goetz type or Charles Bronson type just put a large caliber round in all of those green Shaniquas? And of course to also know that this person was never found or protected.

  4. If the criminals wear uniforms, how can they not be caught?

  5. Africa. Millions of acres on which crops could be grown - but getting water to specific areas in calibrated intervals was too much for their limited IQ. Miles and miles of beautiful shoreline but the ‘ship’ never crossed their collective mind. We found no books when we arrived in Africa - no history. Guess what else was missing when we hit the African shores - the wheel. Do you want to see the difference between the white man and the black? Look at a picture of Rome 3000 years ago and a picture of Africa today. We are not the same.

    1. In 1995, a friend went to very impoverished sections of Tanzania to build waterwells and irrigation systems.
      In most every location, copious amounts of water was found after digging only a few feet. None no deeper than twenty-five feet.
      Fighting over 'ownershipx of wells sprang up. Even to filling in wells to prevent another from having it.
      Irrigation systems were not built because time after time, the materials were stolen or put to 'better' use.

  6. Brandon needs more freaks in his administration-time to send the White House recruiting team to the New York subways and hire some much needed fresh faces for the Brandon scam machine.

  7. Quite the leg show there from Fox Snooze. Roger Ailes really knew how to target the male demographic! Harris Faulkner is magnificent!

  8. I worked my way through college in the mid to late 70s working for the phone company. I worked in two bad areas of Los Angeles, East LA (Mexican Slums) and South Central LA (Black Slums). I am white and in both I was on multiracial crews. East LA wasn't as bad as South Central LA.

    South Central was open warfare as there was drive-bys, areas the police would not go, areas we would only go during specific times, and attacks. My boss who was Black was shot, everyone on my crew was attacked including me. I nearly got shot when eating lunch at a diner when a gang saw a different gang member on the street near a bus stop and opened fire killing five and shooting up the diner. More people were wounded in the diner and at the bus stop.

    Black on Black crime is higher but the media does not report it. This has increased now even more with the Democrats pushing for more support of criminals over victims. This is seen with Soros backed DAs and in Dem controlled cities, counties, and states.


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