Wednesday, June 8, 2022

♫♪♫ Sorrow....♫♪♫ Pink Floyd Month...









  1. Great song. The Pulse edition of this has a more complicated synchronized/computerized light show. Saw them do this live in Tampa Stadium May 6, 1994.

    Won't let me comment with my Google account. For what it's worth this is Sheik Yer'booti.

  2. Back when I was making stupid good cash I had "Money" as my morning alarm clock on my phone. I was a senior field engineer where I had field techs working for me that liked the wake up call as they were making bank as well. That was a great job. It was world wide travel with a liberal expense account where I was the "troubleshooter" that got my team sent in when things went sideways. A very physical job. I think I miss it then I walk up the stairs where I have to take a rest as everything hurts. I was rode very hard and put away wet too many times.

  3. Saw them at the horseshoe twice many moons ago...
    Ohio Guy

  4. Except for the guitar solo on Comfortably Numb, this is far and away my favorite Pink Floyd tune.

  5. Love love love this song.

  6. I could see a lot of the songs making the cut in the next Mad Max Series.


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