Thursday, June 30, 2022

She Nails In On Every. Single. Point.










  1. She does indeed nail it. Now, for the crime of speaking sanity, watch the feeding frenzy as the looney left tries to destroy her.

    1. No doubt about that.

      She’s poised and well spoken. Just a couple hiccups in the delivery.

      Happy when an attractive young woman has the “stones” to post things like that.


  2. I HATE communists and all of their minions... Hybo

  3. She's 100% right, and I'm preaching to the choir here, but the plan is to destabilize and traumatize so we're easy to control, so it's not an accident. A confused population is much more malleable.

  4. There's only one way to this BS we've been subjected to for the last twenty or thirty years will be resolved.

    Voting isn't going to resolve it.

    All of this vermin, starting here and progressing to all of the other countries that allow gender benders, cancel culture, the green agenda and all the rest of the godless BS, have to be removed from the gene pool WORLDWIDE.

    They've already proved that violence is the only thing they understand. They just don't really understand what true violence is. They burn down a few buildings and a few cities, unmolested. When the other side gets going, continents will burn and all of these fuckers and their parents, siblings and offspring will be thrown on the pyre. Medieval, you betcha.

    Remember what the Romans and other ancient civil entities used to do when their subjects got unruly. They'd got into a town or village and kill all of the men down to every one that had hair on their scrotum. The women, girls and hairless men were sold into slavery and the town or village either burned down or left empty as a message to the rest of the folks nearby.

    That's what's going to be required to remove this scourge from western civil society world wide.

    They are proving every day that they can't be reasoned or compromised with.

    So, they need to reap that whirlwind.



    1. Sign me up for the "Root and Branch", 3 generations technique employed elsewhere to great success.

    2. “America is at that awkward stage; it's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards.”
      ― Claire Wolfe

  5. Rod Serling would never recognize what they have done to his Twilight Zone.

    1. Robert Heinlein predicted the"Crazy Years" but we have gone WAY beyond even his worst scenarios!


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