Tuesday, April 12, 2022









  1. No harsher truth was ever spoken.

  2. True. The wonderful thing about the internet is that you can learn anything. The absolutely horrible, frightening thing about the internet is that you can learn about literally ANYTHING. At any age. Knowledge without wisdom is Lord Of The Flies. At the speed of the internet.

  3. Thomas Paine had it right. It is dearness that gives value. More broadly, when something is easy it is not seen as valuable.

  4. https://www.realclearscience.com/blog/2022/04/09/americas_narcissism_epidemic.html

  5. And so few use the internet to learn the proper use of the apostrophe. Mr. Freeman's lament is an example of said failure.

    1. There, their, they're... bless your heart.

  6. Yeah! but you have to make the assumption that what you're reading/learning is true

    1. That was my first thought, too, when I read that. I suppose it is useful for learning a skill, such as changing out a water pump on an older car, but factual history? Nah, not anymore, it's been scrubbed.

  7. Great minds think a like there FF:


    Why we stopped making Einsteins


  8. As asshole as Youtube is, I spent an absolute SHIT TON of time watching videos on how to do things that I either don't know how to do well or don't know how to do at all.
    It ain't all cat videos and porn kiddies.
    If the internet had been around when I was a kid the world would be a different place.
    Well, that smoking crater where I used to live would have changed anyway....

  9. Most people don't have any interest in learning/being educated.

  10. While the statement is absolutely correct I rather doubt it came from Don Freeman since he died in 1978 - almost 20 years before the internet explosion...

    1. What?

      You'll be telling me next that Abe Lincoln didn't use his last dying moments to post a negative review of the Ford Theatre on his I-Phone ... >};o)

      Phil B

  11. There is good and evil in everything we have available.

    The narcissistic sociopaths always choose the evil side of things.

    I did my best to outwit the kids with all the video crap and phone ringing like yelling "you better check that ding out it might be an emergency that needs to control your mind'. I lost in the end because most of society did the opposite. Maybe when they're older they will appreciate the effort and understand.

  12. And depending on the quality of your local library, you still might not have found what you were looking for. And let's not forget, for most folks, the government ran the libraries, so even what was ALLOWED on the shelves was limited. Just imagine if we could have access to all the secrets the Vatican is hiding in their vast collection of historical literature. Additionally regarding the internet, sometimes the fact that you can interact with millions of others (or at least see their comments, etc.) points the way to things you never even thought of. It can be a great tool, but sadly most spend their time on the internet with their tool in their hand. (Never consider that a criticism of FFFF).


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