Thursday, March 3, 2022

The Seasons Are Flying By.....



  1. My WW3 and COVID decorations are same. A large garden :-) Are you planting potatoes this year Irish?

    Food, it's not home without it.

  2. I think your earlier meme picture with Covid exiting and WW3 entering said it all. Kind of makes me wonder how much the Biden Administration is really colluding with Russia, as in "we will shut down our energy and buy your energy in order to make you filthy rich as long as you invade Ukraine at the exact moment we need the distraction. And as a bonus, the price of oil will go thru the roof, and we will keep buying from you."

  3. i had "nuclear war by april", so pay up. yeah i know the bombs haven't gone off yet but surely you agree they will and i want to spend my winnings b4, you know, the radiation sickness kicks in.


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