Thursday, March 10, 2022

Interesting Rabbit Hole....

  Irish preps for the morning Covfefe search. 

Always wear protection.....

 Just poking around this morning and stopped on this link below, borrowed from AC's blog:

A fantastic twitter thread with videos from a guy who went to Ukraine to film the war, and simply found a small number of movie sets, each filming a war scene, but no war.

That post, in and of itself, is quite interesting.

I spent some time scrolling the videos posted and comment sections. This comment caught my

eye. It links to a list of pharmaceutical companies in Kyiv

So, I wondered, let's do a search of jobs at pharmaceutical jobs in Kyiv

Check out the dates of the listings. Some of them are recent. Would you be hiring if a 

war was going on?

LINK to results here<<<


Lots of questions to ponder, not enough time.


By the way, what happened to the guy on the right in the first picture? For over two years

he was a household name.



 Inquiring minds want to know.


  1. PPD just posted a job opening this morning in their Kiev offices. Who would be looking for employees in the middle of a siege?

    1. They're anticipating victory. As things are shaping up, they will get it.

  2. Figured as much. It's all a distraction psy-op wrapped around some measure of fact in order to keep people [rightfully] worried about today and tomorrow. Payback propaganda scheme. Zelensky looks like a hero (maybe he is), but he may be acting a role.

    1. He's a failed actor/ comedian..kind of how turdea is a failed drama teacher / snoe board instructor and biden failed potty training.


  3. Interesting that this unnamed unknown bot tells us there is no war it's all fake. Seriously, does Russia and their bots think we are that stupid?

    1. Could be...I don't believe a single thing from 90% of media sources, proven liars. But are these video a ruse? Hard to know for sure. But this guy isn't the first one to make the claim, especially when the hyperventinlating propagandists use years-old footage of explosions and fires and burnt tanks. Not saying the "small incursion" isn't real, but every minute of every day is filled with breathless that Covid has run its usefulness course.

  4. I don't know about the war being fake after seeing blown out windows and missile/bomb holes in the sides of lots of buildings, craters in the streets, people making mad dashes to the borders and burning Russian tanks and other Russian vehicles online and at various news outlets along with pictures and vids of people bleeding and dead in the streets. I think that's pretty definitve.

    I could be wrong. My bullshit detector isn't as good as it used to be.

    My opinion on Fraudci's disappearance is he's been told to stand down after the WH got an ever increasing amount of hate mail and have observed hundreds of threads on line calling for trial and various forms of death for crimes against humanity with the jab and Remdisivere, both of which HE OWNS patents on or so I've read.

    On Remdisivere, see this vid:


  5. Nice hat! I have one just like it ;-)) Nemo

  6. The movie set thing is simply not credible. You can get open source aerial photos of Ukraine and see the battle damage in the photos. There is a war on.

  7. While true you can catch live feeds

    Sometimes there are multiple screens up sometimes unavailable just look around. I have seen 2 poland ukraine cams that show the refugee lines.

    The only war I have seen was the billowing smoke, probably the airport in eastern ukraine, a ways off in day one or two. Mostly normal the rest of the time. They are 8 hours ahead so you have to watch in the a.m.

    The fuckery going on over their is insane.
    this tuesday - testifying to marco pos rubio yes that vicky "fuck the EU" newland
    this wednesday this week -
    this wednesday they were a little late

  8. If you think that's a rabbit hole, give this a look.


  9. I like your hat. I have one pretty similar. Don it every morning first thing. ;-)) Nemo

  10. The shielding is good only from the top. It needs some side armor as well.


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