Saturday, February 12, 2022

Freedom Convoy - Speech by Canadian Army Major Stephen Chledowski





 Sent in by reader Tom. Thanks.



  1. "Former" Major.....he will be booted just as fast as the papers can be drawn up and the ink dries.....

    1. I don't know. The Canadian government is in panicking like crazy at the moment. I'd be surprised if they didn't charge him with terrorism, threatening public officials or at the very least insubordination. If you've heard some of the ideas being passed around with how to quell the protest it doesn't seem so hyperbolic. At the bare minimum I doubt they'll let the ink dry on his discharge papers.

  2. And there are some people who wonder why we have the 2nd Amendment...

  3. He has likely already been discharged before the video..we are losing all the good ones up here ...armed forces..nurses..psw' that kept us going for two some cases risking it all..fear of bringing it home to family...then his horesassines Trudeau says Jan 15th you are out of work...disgusting..


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