Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Do You See IT Yet??








  1. There is going to be a Great Purge in this country.
    One way or another....

  2. I'm makin' my list. It grows by the day and it's all local. I've always been a great believer in the term "some people just need killing".


  3. Remember what Henry Bowman said "After the first one, the rest are free."

    Then there's this one "The older you get, the less life in prison has meaning."


  4. Here is some awesome irony for you. I built a super accurate sniper rifle that fires custom loaded ammo out of a Mosin-Nagant 91/30, the main infantry battle rifle of the old Soviet Union. The 7.62x54r cartridge shoots a hair flatter than 7.62x51 but hits as hard. The receiver is dated 1939, so you know darn well it most likely has drawn enemy blood. Being a FOF, my days of fire and maneuver are behind me. But let me get set up in a hidey hole, and my rifle will will taste the blood of targets of opportunity.

    From a man they did not see
    Came a sound they did not hear
    Proof of the enemy's demise
    Still hangs in the air
    As a puff of pink mist

  5. Thank You.... Linked to (.gov) to see report and got me some more amo for my "prove it" - "you're crazy" WOKE friends.


  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Right...
      I will 'see' your 'do your research', and 'raise' you a DSM-5 mental-illness known as hypochondriac.
      With some obsession tossed in.
      Plus varying amounts of hyper-anxiety and neurotism and a whole lot of 'stuck in my right'.
      And this's OK.

    2. Large Marge, I do think Ivermectin will help with Covid, just saying.


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