Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Minimizing The Storm>? The signs of such a movement are emerging.


H/t to Skip.




The Way Out

 Here are two questions pertinent to our times: (1) How would you reduce the greatest free republic in history to despotism in a short time? and (2) How would you stop that from happening? The answer to the first question has been provided in these last two disastrous years. The answer to the second has begun to emerge in recent months. Both are worthy of study.







  1. I hope it is enough. More than likely balkanization is in our future.

  2. The words of Samuel Adams come to mind with what is going on today -

    “It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.”

  3. It's been obvious for quite awhile now. The problem is with the sheep who blindly follow and question nothing.

  4. The "Peaceful Resistance" so mentioned is lovely. The "Peaceful Resistance" that shut down Poland's Communist Party was the tiny PUSH that an already failing system needed to shut down.

    Let us LOOK to Australia for a REAL TIME example of "Peaceful Protest" against the COVID machine. Working really well, eh?

    Nuff said.

  5. I have been receiving Imprimis for a long time. Hillsdale College is creating hundreds of good patriots interesting that I am not aware of any in government. I would not waste my time there as well and that is the problem. Larry Arnn and his college administration could replace our government and it would be a miraculous recovery, I can dream can't I.

    1. Same, Chris.

      However, the Fourth Box *will* be opened at some point. Sometimes, The Jolly Roger has to be raised!

    2. Thanks Igor. I gave my Jolly Roger to the neighbor kids for their fort will have to get a new one before the box is open. Then we will spit on our hands and begin slitting throats.

  6. Very good article. A primer for our hopeful future.

  7. I fought in Bosnia.
    It was horrendous.
    We will face the same thing here but 100X worse.
    2022 will be the year of destruction nationwide.
    Carry On,
    E-7 Ret.

  8. how to? give children trophies and heap praise on them for being mediocre to create egomaniacs. tell them the MEN that made living comfortable and relatively secure are bad people. that's how

  9. You can vote your way into tyranny, but you to shoot your way out. Nemo

  10. Like grayjohn states above, finding the source(s) and destroying it is the simple answer. It also seems to be the most difficult thing to achieve at this time. Ohio Guy

  11. Ohio Guy the Giant might be big and powerful but missing his fingers (deed Doers), toes (Power and Transport) and eyes (Figure that out) not so much?

    Gulliver's Travels like Orville's 1984 could be a guidebook.


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