Sunday, January 2, 2022

I Have Woken Up In The PNW For The Past Week or So....


 Overcast, grey skies, heavy fog. Wash, rinse, repeat.... I'm told that's what the PNW

is always experiencing.


I'm waiting for a Mooch Obama sighting.... 


 Looks like we get a break here in the Northeast on Tuesday:




  1. Yup, that's exactly what a PNW winter looks like. Damp, foggy, psychosis-inducing weather from November to April. We get a month or so on either end of "normal weather". The rest is dry AF and gets labeled "fire season". Makes you want to move here don't it?

  2. I was remarking this very thing to the neighbor lady the afternoon of New Years Eve. The bright side is we could be a-hole deep to a tall giraffe in snow as the alternative, it being January and New England. 'Course February is coming, traditionally the snowiest month around these parts. So there's that to look forward to.


  3. Yup. The Pacific Northwest is definitely not for everyone. That pic you posted looks like my front yard right now except we've got snow.

  4. Yeppers, I just looked out the window and it is gray and overcast.
    Cold too.
    The cold is supposed to ease up and we go back to normal Winter,
    Gray, overcast and rain.
    It's like they say, people from the PNW don't tan, we rust.

  5. I've always said, it takes a special kind of retard to live up here in the PNW. Drizzling rain for 6 months and lack of sun takes some mental fortitude to get through.

    1. If'n y'all would move to the EAST side of the Cascades, you'd get 4 distinct seasons!

      What do you call 2 days of steady rain in Seattle/Portland? The weekend.

  6. I'd rather have snow, than the 1/4" of ice I had to deal with today.
    I went down hard on the front steps this morning. Almost cried like a little girl - almost.

    Whitehall, NY

  7. Oh, we don't call them mooch Obama in the PNW, we call them Sasquatch...

  8. My back yard here in Ohio looks like a muddy soup bowl. Wish it would either dry up or freeze. I have a big young dog who has a penchant for digging holes looking for moles he never finds. 12 paws must be wiped each time they have to "go". Talk about a pain in the ass. Ohio Guy

  9. My Past life was as a MASShole. Came to my senses 11 years ago and escaped to the Inland PNW. Where Freedom is High and Taxes are low. This current winter is shaping up to be the worst I've seen here. If you live in the Valley the winter here is easier than back East. BUT ....if you live at elevation its a whole different story. It can be kinda dreary but the summahs can be glorious and not many riotous Amish youths running about, lol. Come back in the good weather and enjoy the beauty unmatched.

    1. I'm in the East Valley area of Spokane Valley. Not too shabby for me - been here MOST of my life...

  10. Coming upon my first year anniversary on the Peninsula in PA. Summer was gorgeous, upper 60s low 70s. So far this winter all I've got to say is this is bullshit. Rains all the time and last week we had about 15 inches which just today slowly started melting. Probably will be different next winter when I have my studio set up but right now it's a long ways to April.

  11. Been mostly sunny very little rain. Average temp this December was something like 53 degrees a record. was 60's and quite a few 70's most days. No Freezing temps till last Friday.
    We do get variety though. The last deep freeze a year or two ago we set a record for consecutive days below freezing. I like variety.


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