Sunday, August 29, 2021

Sounds about right


  1. Hey Jeffrey;

    I'm ok there, all of my family are on the same isle of the political fence, except a couple of the nephews and nieces and we don't talk politics and guns around them because we don't trust them to keep their mouth shut. Shame it is that way when they get "indoctrinated" by the school system.

    1. Fortunately, I am in the same boat as you MrGarabaldi!. I have some friends who are not so fortunate. LOL

  2. Every couple of years my sister or cousin will say at some small family gathering, " We should have a family reunion!"
    The rest of us just start laughing hysterically.
    Then they look sheepishly and say, " Yea, that's a dumb idea."

  3. Two hours for 4 boubons? Surely you jest. They must be in those extra large glasses.

  4. The author of this meme must have been talking with my sisters about ten years ago when they gave me the same warning prior to our last clan gathering.


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