Tuesday, June 15, 2021

.................Nothing to see here. Move along!

 Police say Alabama, Georgia shooting spree that                                    wounded 5 was racially motivated

A suspect has been arrested in connection with 3 shootings in less than 24 hours in Georgia and Alabama

According to authorities, Justin Tyran Roberts, a 39 year old black man, was involved in three different assaults in Georgia and Alabama last Friday that wounded five different white males. Roberts told investigators "throughout his life, white men had taken from him". When asked why he shot one of the unsuspecting men in the back while he was walking towards his car he replied, "I had to have him".



  1. Hopefully to disappear forever into America's garbage disposal ... the state or federal prison system.

  2. Now, Now,,, I have it on good authority that black people Can Not be Racist..

  3. None of his past history counts against him; he’s a vibrant and as such, a protected individual.

  4. A hate crime if there ever was, but not this time because white victims.

  5. A convicted felon in possession of a stolen firearm. Yep, let's blame the stolen gun for this racial violence and let the poor man back out to walk the streets looking for his next victims.

    1. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,but, but, but the gunshow loophole, lax background checks, internet sales, white privilege, etc., are to blame. Always carry and watch you 6.

  6. I'd venture a guess and say plenty more are acting out the same as this un here. Ohio Guy

  7. Thats a slide racking picture.

  8. If you live ANYWHERE where you see a black more then VERY infrequently...you're not going to pull the hammer on an empty chamber every time.

    1. 10-4!!!!!!
      Bubba you said enough!!!!!!
      South River Defense Force..

  9. Here’s to AB roping him in prison

  10. "Get yer lube, fellas! It's cornholin' time!"--To be heard soon in a prison near him.

  11. Robberies? Sir, you have misspelled "Reparations".

    - The US Government

  12. Can we just come out and say it and call it what it is?

    America has a NIGGER problem. Look at that mutt and tell me that label is inappropriate - I dare ya.

    1. re:
      'nigger problem'
      Eugene, Oregon.
      Around the corner from us is a Southern Methodist church.
      Ninety-seven percent black... not Blacks©.
      I occasionally sing with the choir.
      To a one, these decent folk hate 'niggers' with a lynching passion.
      * Dope-fiends... bury them alive.
      * Earthquake cars... burn the vehicle with the occupants chained inside.
      * Illegitimate children... scrape out ovaries with a rusty tin-can.
      These fine people hate 'niggers', but it has nothing to do with pigment because they appear similar.
      I tend to believe they might be on the right track...


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