Friday, June 4, 2021

Just when you thought you'd seen the dumbest of the dumb, demonrat D.C.'s non voting delegate, Eleanor Holmes, introduces a bill requiring gender "equability" with crash test dummies.

This is as real is at gets folks. This is just another fine example of how deranged the left has become in recent years.

This story is straight from the Washington Pravda. Read it HERE. 

H/T to Bob from Kentucky.

In this April 21, 2021, photo, Del. Eleanor Holmes-Norton, D-D.C., center, joined from left by Sen. Tom Carper, D-Del., and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., speaks at a news conference ahead of the House vote on H.R. 51- the Washington, D.C. Admission Act, on Capitol Hill in Washington (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)


  1. I dunno. Is she volunteering, or is she volunteering Nancy, or what?

  2. You just can't make this horror story up. Another high IQ member of CONgress heard from.

    Then they wonder why white people think they're buffoons.


  3. Unbelievable! It is scary that she has the brain power of a peanut, but it is scarier that the residents of D.C. actually voted for this moron.

  4. I think the crash test dummies are getting the raw deal. I would like to have equal numbers of live testers in there too. Send a bus load of Dindu's in for the first round.

  5. NH is about to Become a Second Amendment Sanctuary State

    Congrats Irish.

  6. Actually once I read the reason behind it, I have to agree with the reasoning.

  7. Actually once I read the reason behind it, I have to agree with the reasoning.

    1. Superficially, it might make sense, but where is the date that says the current 50% make test dummy and the 5% female tests dummy do not cover all the bases? Oh and BTW, all test dummies are not completely anatomically correct.

  8. I'm thinking Shelia Jackson Lee put her up to it.

  9. It's only stupid, as an idea, when it comes from a politicians mouth. This was covered (some time in the recent past) by Jalopnik (and other publications). The real problem is that men and women are VERY different, and the crash test dummies that have been used historically simulate an average sized man. Well, if an average sized man can survive, so the thinking was, so could everyone else. That turns out not to be the case. Differences from the standard dummy in height and weight can cause broken necks, broken ribs (collapsed lungs) etc.

    The real problem is regulatory capture. Too many fuckers moving from government to the industry they used to regulate, or from industry to the government department responsible for regulating their previous employer. These are the types of people who should be executed as traitors.

  10. You're missing the beautiful part of this; a federal agency is stating unequivocally that there are biological differences between men and women. Personally, I can't wait until they're called transphobic.

    1. Not so much 'biological' differences as physiological differences, i.e. bone mass, size, weight, height, breasts.

      Ask any c+ cup woman who's been in a bad car wreck what hurt the most (presuming they don't get otherwise injured" and they'll tell you their breasts from where the seat belt crushed them.

  11. Nope; you just ‘identify’ as a CT dummy right before the accident and you will be safe. Use the gender fluid idea to change back to whatever it is you feel like after the accident!!!! viola

  12. Yup. And let's say for the sake of argument, it is decided by the "Mensa" candidates in Congress a new test dummy representing a female larger that the current 5% female dummy (think of a petite woman) now in use and required for air bag system design, we're looking at years of data collection (w/cadavers, folks) design, validation testing, and then federal rulemaking, before such a test dummy could be incorporated into regulation.

  13. Use the three of them in one test to make sure.


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