Monday, May 10, 2021

My ARK1547 Assault Gun.....



  1. I’ve seen that one before, Glock&Wesson oil makes it

  2. Well he is the spokes dude for the demanding moms isn't he? If they haven't hired him as their go to expert, what are they waiting for?

  3. Ahahahahahahaha! I love it. Where can I get one of those (can I get more than one?)? I don't own any guns or anything dangerous (cause the government said I don't need to is why) but maybe I can buy one of those and be just like the rangersealberets (or is it the beretsealrangers, I can never keep it straight). Somebody help a brotha out!

  4. Dammmmmn, now I REALLY want one of them there Red Dot thingy's!!

  5. I love my AR18 ☺ (how many people will agree 😊)
    I wish it had the catcher thingy on the ejection bit so it could fill up with liberal tears though.

  6. Must be a spoof. There's no chainsaw bayonet on the front under the "fire" hole.

  7. My wife was dying laughing! At the comments, too!


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