Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Who the Fuck Fed Everyone Fruit Loops This Year?


 I went to check out a job post for our company and opened up indeed.  This is what greeted me.

 Now it seems Black lives don't matter and Asian lives do. The Koreans aren't concerned. 

They shoot you from the rooftops.


My god there must be so much hate in this country. 10% 20% 25% I wonder what the number of 

"hate" is for the good old Divided States of America?

Lets do a quick search. 


Population of persons, notice I didn't say adults, over 18= 209,128,094.00

Efbeeeye Hate Crime statistics 2019>  CARE TO GUESS??  2million? 5million?  500,000?..........


Victims of Hate Crime Incidents

  • There were 7,103 single-bias incidents involving 8,552 victims. A percent distribution of victims by bias type shows that 57.6% of victims were targeted because of the offenders’ race/ethnicity/ancestry bias; 20.1% were targeted because of the offenders’ religious bias; 16.7% were victimized because of the offenders’ sexual-orientation bias; 2.7% were targeted because of the offenders’ gender identity bias; 2.0% were victimized because of the offenders’ disability bias; and 0.9% were victimized because of the offenders’ gender bias.
  • There were 211 multiple-bias hate crime incidents, which involved 260 victims.


8 thousand, 5 hundred, 5ifty, 2.

Irish pulls out his trusty abacus, invented by the chinese. See, no asian hate on this blog.

8552 / 209,128,094 =0.00004089359  < pretty good for an abacus, huh?

So, the percentage of hate in the DSA amongst citizens over 18 is .004%


  1. Math, it ruins so many narratives.

  2. Rest assured, Irish, the Demoturds not only can't do simple math, but they can't stand/comprehend facts.
    You hater, you...
    (Or is it "raaaacist"??)

  3. That's why math is racist. It tells the true!!

  4. Well, after so many attacks, they finally found a white guy to hold up as the source of all the crimes against Asians. Never mind that the majority of the perpetrators are from a demographically protected class. It is all the fault of whypeepoles.

    Exactly, Brad.
    Maff is hard.....
    My favorite narrative destroyer:

    Whitehall, NY

  5. All this "anti-Asian hate" crisis is bullshit political theater. Asians are being played:

    Having a mostly non-fucked up non-white minority destroys the narrative about how non-white failures are solely due to systemic racism. So it's critical that Asians start whining about victimhood like as if they're also low-IQ losers. (And no, Asians will not be allowed to play the same games that the really successful hihg-IQ professional victims play.) With enough victimhood narrative eventually Asians will start believing it, and truly become fuck-ups.

    This is really interesting because previously the narrative was that Asians (about 5% of the population) are a "model minority" that has higher average family income than all other races. This was to draw attention away from the fact that another, smaller, minority (<3%) holds genuine financial, political and cultural power. Mustn't notice that power. They can (and do) brag about it, but if YOU notice, that's hate think.

    Anyway, this pivot from "model minority" to "another bunch of victims" is fascinating. It's blazingly obvious that it will NOT turn out well for Asians. What's not so clear is why the people pulling the strings have done this all of a sudden.

  6. To the demoncrats, everything is racist. Everything.

  7. Fuck em all. That should bump your stats up by. 00000001%

  8. Hate to quibble, but I think your number's wrong.

    Saw the voting age population (ie, 18 and over) was about 255 million. I was trying to estimate votes cast in the last (cough) election and that figure sounds about right.


  9. Maff is hard! BTW if your Asian do you object to this or reap the benefits of jumping to the front of the line? The breathless and brainless are all around us. Creating hate where none exists is part of the plan.

  10. Black on Asian crime in 3.....2......

  11. To add another factor - I trust the FBI about as far as I can throw the headquarters building. This is the agency that spent four years trying to get rid of a duly elected president.

    I'd bet those numbers of hate crimes are exaggerated and it's even less than the .004% you come up with. They probably got those numbers from the Southern Poverty Law Center. I think that organization hasn't told the truth once in all the years they've existed.

  12. From virtue signaler to slobbering ass-kisser is sure a short distance.


  13. Wait, doesn't 2 + 2 = 5000???

  14. Liars figure, but figures don't lie....

  15. Remember the gubermint only has, "lies, damn lies, and statistics".

  16. Fuck Indeed. I deleted my account this morning. It hasn't helped me find a job and I don't give a shit about past or present coworkers.


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