Thursday, January 21, 2021

What a Glorious Day With a New President! More Proof To Be The Gray Man..


Some of the blogs on the sidebar have already been taken down.  The digital prints of linking to 

them from here as well as all that visit them have been recorded and stored. The Purge will be

forth-coming. That was the reasoning to blend in.

Read this, then read it again and let it sink in:

From Gateway Pundit<<   ( just adding that link will another tic in check box for TFI  ) :


Former CIA Director John Brennan, the man who weaponized the CIA to target Hillary Clinton’s political opposition, appeared on MSNBC Wednesday to outline Joe Biden administration plan to identify political enemies, label them domestic terrorists and then “root them out” of the population.

Brennan is talking about Trump supporters here but would not even utter Donald Trump’s name.

John Brennan: I know… the members of the Biden team who have been nominated or have been appointed are now moving in laser light fashion to try to uncover as much as they can about what looks very similar to insurgency movements we’ve seen overseas. Where they germinate in different parts of the country and they gain strength, and it brings together an unholy alliance frequently of religious extremists, authoritarians, fascists, bigots, racists, nativists, even libertarians. And unfortunately, I think there has been this momentum that has been generated unfortunately I think of the demagogue of rhetoric of people that’s just departed government but also those who continue in the halls of Congress. So I really do think that the law enforcement, homeland security, intelligence and even the defense officials are doing everything possible to root out what seems to be a very, very serious, and insidious threat to our democracy and our republic.

Even Libertarians will not be safe.
These are dangerous people.



  1. They decry war and violence, yet their very actions are what will be the cause of it.
    They do not understand free will, or any thought contrary to theirs. Its not so much about submission, as their perception of anyone else being inferior. They know better, you're just too stupid to get it.

  2. Fuck it. Every day from here on out is a good day to die.

    1. Hi "Sed!!"
      "Auh contrahr mein herr!!" Rather than die... as George C. Marshall portraying "Patton" said, "Make that other son of a bitch die for his Country!!"
      Please don't get me going... rhethoric is cheap..., bullets are expensive.... It is not "IF" but "WHEN" we meet our foe at "The New Lexington Concord Bridge" will they realize that there will be no going back to their safe spaces in their playpens with their rattles, toys and wet pampers and some dumbfoxtrotuniformcharliekilo to change them...

      Blue skyz,
      Black Death!!!


  3. Biden told us about the voter fraud network. No response they will tell us what they are going to mostly do from now on. Watching Trumps speech and body language yesterday my gut said he had been given a message in the last 4 or 5 weeks and not a nice one. God Bless and God Speed to our president. The greatest thing he could have done was expose the fraud and shenanigans. The American people have to take care of this like the founders did TINA.

  4. from Phil's place: type into your web browser and see where it connects to. This started yesterday just after the usurpers inauguration and IT STILL UP. Nice to see that there's someone out there tolling the usurper already. Make this go viral.


    1. The domain owner for has been redirecting to Biden websites for months. It's a snarky prank.

    2. If Antifa redirecting to was a prank it would have been ended quickly. It wasn't. It was no prank.

  5. The big reveal from the usurper's speech yesterday was his call for action against "domestic terrorists". That should tell one all you need to know about what "the boot" is going to be directed against.


    1. Yesterday, with the stroke of pen, The Usurper, shit canned between 10,000 and 20,000 good paying jobs by revoking the Keystone pipeline permit and stopping construction of the southern border wall. He also revoked oil and Nat. gas drilling permits in the ANWR and fracking permits in various lower 48 states. We're just going to love paying $5.00+ for a gallon of gasoline and all of the second and third order price increases associated with higher transportation costs, like food, as if food prices aren't high enough already. Not to mention that the Saudi's and the Iranians are slavering over the expectation of increasing their supply of crude to us.

  6. Beijing Joe and Kamel-Toe are Illegitimate Candidates of a Fraudulent Election and they Knowingly knew that they were committing TREASON yesterday when they took their respective oaths of Office. Everyone on that Stage KNOWINGLY KNEW what was Happening. They too committed TREASON. The U.S. Military has a Constitutional Duty as Well once the trap has been sprung on "Belligerent Government" that has usurped or bypassed the US Presidential Elections. The Troops aren't there to protect Beijing Joe. The 2000 NG Troops who were Deputized as U.S. Marshalls in literal walled in City have very specific orders and instructions for their finite responsibilities too. The Nuclear Football is Safe/Secure. This is Now a Military Operation, there are no leaks. The Media and We the People haven't been told the finer details, but it is definitely happening. Stay tuned for the screeching harpies, the weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth from these Evil Progressive Turd Polishing Sons/of bitches. OHH to Be the Proverbial Fly on the Walls of the Capital Building, the Halls of Congress, and in the Whitehouse... Mock it if you will, Info provided by 17, 01/18-20/2018.

    1. HI G.W.,
      Just like we thought Trump would involk the Sedition act....
      "I Ain't waitin' up nights!!!"
      Meanwhile, back at the ranch...
      Praise the Lord!!
      an Load more mags!!!

  7. Even Libertarians will not be safe.

    The worst of the NeverTrumpers, with the exception of the Whigs. And, as always, first to go to the wall.

    And they will say, "There must be some mistake. I'm loyal".

    1. The worst of the never Trumpers were all Republicans. I speak only for myself as a registered Libertarian but Trump is the greatest president of my 71 years. A scalpel doesn’t Healy patient but it’s a necessary step toward health sometimes. Trump is no libertarian but he was the cure for the fetid swamp of DC.

    2. If only Comrade Stalin knew....

  8. This is Now a Military Operation, there are no leaks.

    No, there will be leaks.

  9. robert william oriansJanuary 21, 2021 at 10:43 AM

  10. you either try to blend in or you stand tall
    I've always preferred the latter
    and remember: if any politician had the testicular fortitude, WWII would never have happened

    1. Correct. Where these guys are going, gray men will be on the menu just like the rest of us. There will be no safety on the side lines. Nor are Mumbly Joe or Kamal Toe the real villains - they are paid actors. The real villains need to be identified and dealt with.

    2. "and remember: if any politician had the testicular fortitude, WWII would never have happened"

      Sure it would have - it just would have happened *differently*. Taking out Germany in the mid-'30s doesn't change the rest of the world. Japan would have still been on the march and still would have been stronger than anyone else in the Pacific at that point. Stalin would have moved westward, and if Hitler had been deposed, it's very likely that Uncle Joe would have had friendly, if not allied, governments in France, Spain, Germany, the Balkans...

  11. When he says, "insurgency movements we’ve seen overseas." he should know because he ran the people who started those insurgencies overseas.

    People have been saying since last summer that we're being set up for the kind of color revolutions Brennan and his folks set up in other countries. They're working on one here.

    1. Working on? They're in the consolidation phase of completing it.

  12. Big Country has already moved his blog to the servers Divemedic is using.
    Just an FYI.
    I don't know if I can afford that yet.

  13. Secret Service codename for Biden: "Marionette"

    1. That’s excellent. Alternatives: “Charlie McCarthy”, “Pawn One”, “Senior Wences”

  14. "The Biden team who have been nominated or have been appointed are now moving in laser light fashion."
    I can't wait to see what Phil posts under the "Laser Light Fashion" heading.

  15. As the men of flight 93 said , " Let's Roll"!

  16. It’s still an open question as to who is in greater danger, patriots or the coup-meisters. I don’t think too much time will pass before we all know.

  17. This treasonous dumb sum bitch is damned close to finding out just how dangerous libertarians and the other subject groups are and can be.


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