Friday, December 18, 2020

An observation from being out and about

Lately, any place that I have gone into or stopped at for various reasons, I have noticed that almost everybody says  Merry Christmas near the end of the encounter. 

I have also noticed it on the phone with customers and or customer service employees that I deal with.  

It’s definitely interesting because I’m not used to it. Which is sad if you think about it. 

My usual comment to people during this time of year has been  “If you’re allowed to say it or don’t mind it being said   I will wish you a Merry Christmas.” That usually gets a hearty “Merry Christmas” back from the person that I am  talking to. 

Thanks President Trump. 


  1. Always remember: Christmas cheer, or any other kind of cheer, has never been dispensed by government - that's our department.
    I like to remind people of that.

  2. Here in rural Nevada, at the store registers, I hear more and more frequently "Have a Blessed day". Even though I am not a practicing Christian (Jewish by birth), I will wish people a Merry Christmas and almost always get an excited Merry Christmas response back.
    I see a growing anti-PC, anti-Establishment sentiment here...

  3. Irish, as you know I'm Jewish - wear a kippa and everything. I wish people a MERRY CHRISTMAS!

    What hurts, actually, is when I get wished that, then people see my kippa and get all apologetic and cringe. I tell them "You just wished me joy, happiness, togetherness, etc. Why should I be upset at that?" They immediately uncringe. :)

    1. Although it's a violation of the halachah Nitz, and I'm stringently shomer mitzvos, I do the same thing for the same reasons.

  4. Hahahahahahahaha.

    I just this morning realized I've been hearing it a lot...and I've been responding back with a loud 'AND A NEW YEAR!'

    Not 'good' or 'happy', just 'New'.

    I'm thinking if I'm freezing me ass off in a foxhole in February at least it will be better than 2020.

    Cause I'll actually have the opportunity to shoot the rat bastards who desperately need shooting. And have for decades.

  5. Dear Joe Biteme:
    Have a Merry Christmas and a Tragic New Year!
    But you'll probably forget I ever wished this for you...

    1. Yes it is awesome. Igor just a matter of time for the tragedy as we all know.

  6. I wish everyone a Merry CHRISTMAS, if they have a problem with it, it"s their problem not mine.


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