Monday, December 14, 2020

4 Nice bucks a friend of mine and his son have harvested this year


I put the scary demonkrat masks on them to "protect the names of the innocent (and their hunting spots)"! LOL


  1. Next thing you know some dimwit governor will mandate all deer wear masks during hunting season.

    Yeah, an oxymoron for sure: most all governors are dimwits these days, though South Dakota has a keeper. (Over the years I hired or knew at least 2 dozen graduates from South Dakota-not a single one was a dud).

  2. This is predicated on the "system" being followed AS PRESCRIBED by the founding fathers. DON'T COUNT ON THAT HAPPENING. MANY of the idiots on the left are exactly that....idiots. But there are plenty of clever intelligent people also. And THEY TOO have known all along about this possibility. And I guarantee they have PLANNED FOR IT.
    So while Biden is not guaranteed to be inaugurated the odds are still GREATLY in favor of that happening because as we have seen REPEATEDLY this election the ONLY thing you can count on is the people in power and in office VIOLATING their oath of office and their statutory duties. Even VP Pence cannot be counted on 100%. The left may threaten his family, or kidnap someone close to him, or do a number of things to apply illicit pressure on him. NOTHING is certain other than the left WILL commit any crime, any atrocity necessary to win.

  3. Replies
    1. I know the deer in the top right corner was killed with a .50 caliber muzzleloader. The others I believe were with .30-.06, but I'm not for certain. I know those guys use the .30-.06, .270, and .243 at different times.

  4. Nice looking bucks!

  5. All I can say is : DAMN!

    Whitehall, NY


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