Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Can you image how much money is on that truck..... updated

I found the video of the second truck.. as others noted. It's different, although a very expensive wreck.


  1. That is why my insurance premiums are going up.....

  2. headline was wrong: it should read "how much money was on that truck:

  3. Those aren't the same trucks. Look at the colors of the cars, they don't match. Still a damn shame. I'll keep an eye out for them at the salvage auction though...

  4. It was in China, they were all probably ChiCom made reproductions.

  5. Not the same truck on it's side. The white one on it's lid is not loaded on the truck going down the road.

  6. I wish I could have been there for the phone call to the covering insurance agent. Imagine the guy's response as each car was specified and the cost tallied. have you ever noticed that people get this little smile when insurance companies have to eat a big f#ckup. Hell, I'm smiling right now.

  7. Replies
    1. I believe it's the same truck. My guess is that the guy filming saw the wreck happen behind him and turned around to film. Notice the truck is in the other direction in the crash part.

  8. Had one burn up outside the motel I ran 10 or so years ago..... same cargo. 11 brand new corvettes. IIRC they averaged $76K each back then.

    1. About 30 years ago we bought our last GM product, which was an early ECM model that was about as close to a Lemon as there could be. Was at the dealership for about the 6th time with the same problem-they never could get it fixed-and burning time, waiting for my ride. Outside was a carrier with ~9 'vettes on it; the driver told me he was delivering one each to dealers on a route that would get him back home in about 3 days. Figured there was something like $750K at least riding on his truck.

    2. Hey Irish, any way you can get rid of that damn reCaptha thing? It is just another intrusive google creation that discourages free speech.

      Thanks for all your hard work. Love today's opening scenery-exceptionally calming, just what the country needs for a change from all the leftist shit slinging.

    3. Anon, I put it in place because of toooo many spam comments. Maybe I'll give it a try without out it again.

    4. reCaptha is more than just annoying, it's absurd. Among the sites that use it, I've had to go through as many as 15 pages of nonsense before it lets me go. The old Capcha was easier and not nearly as annoying. The pic based version is ridiculous.

  9. It’s two different trucks. The car colors are different. I see two yellow cars on the first truck, none on the wreckage.

    1. After another look you might be right. Here’s the video of the crashed truck.


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