Thursday, June 4, 2020

Holy Fuck.. This Is New York City...


  1. Replies
    1. I'm calling it homicide at the hands of Cuomo and di Blasio.

    2. Stop! You're BOTH right!!

  2. Mr. Plisken, please come to the red phone. Mr. Plisken, please come to the red phone.

  3. Meh. Looks like NYC in the 70's. You know, before giants like Trump and Guiliani cleaned it up.

    Feck it. Sometimes the body will heal faster once you pop the lesion and let the puss flow out. And there's a lot of puss infecting The City.

  4. I don't want them moving near me.

  5. I hope Deblasio does defund the police. That will be daily life.

  6. Escape From New York makes perfect sense now...

  7. Actually, NYC has been dead for quite some time, the series of Democrat mayors and governors have seen to that. What we're witnessing now is just the life support machine being unplugged.

  8. Replies
    1. Nah. Got .303 and a scope out to 300 yds.

  9. Meh. I think larger holes at shorter ranges are a better solution to this problem. Something about .429" - .458" diameter, around 240 - 350 grains. Face it, anything more than 50 yards away wouldn't be self defense. Not that I'd be out there with a measuring tape. Or in the fire zone, so yeah, 300+ yards might be a better idea after all.


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