Sunday, July 14, 2019

Trump Says Ilhan Omar Should Go Back To Africa: "You can't leave fast enough", from the POTUS

There are some out there who never understood why Barack Insane Osama (along with other co-conspirators) was hell bent on importing "refugees" to strategic parts of the United States. How else could there ever be enough voters to elect incompetent radical mooslems to Congress? TPTB knew this all along and used 5031c tax exempt churches and other "charitable" organizations to fundamentally change the demographics of certain congressional districts (i.e. the mad dog shown here is one of several "haters" of Liberty).  Some members of these organizations were naive while others were willing accomplices. These asshats need tried, convicted, and punished accordingly for treason, sedition, conspiracy, etc. They are sworn enemies of our Republic. This is just another reason we need to control our borders and turn the invaders back. Read more HERE.

Deo Vindice 



  1. He ain't wrong. Considering the brotherfuckin anti-American cunt has committed immigration fraud AND tax fraud, she deserves to be punished to the fullest extent of the laws she'd gleefully use to beat us over the head with, stripped of her standing and her citizenship and deported, post haste, back to her shithole of origin. Fuck that pig bitch.

    1. I'd buy her a one way ticket to "Shithola"!

    2. Fuck her. Herd the miserable cunt into the surf and out past the breakers off the east coast and she can damn well do the rest herself.

  2. The fact she was elected is a clear sign of sedition in the United States. She should leave, and those that support her should too.

  3. Its true. she is a clear and present danger to democracy…..

  4. It's about time someone, anyone put this into clear focus. I read it very simply as "get your America hating asses out of here if you don't like it!" Nothing racist. Nothing other than voicing what is on the minds of clear thinking Americans. At least Trump has the balls to call these cretins out, political correctness and the hate from the left be damned. Major kudos!!

    1. and THAT is exactly why the career politician/parasites who call themselves "conservatives" hate him as much as the leftist vermin do.

  5. Her naturalization should be revoked for immigration AND tax fraud and she should be expelled.

  6. Notice how she changes her head bag to suit the situation Islam is being discussed the head bag in the picture when it is possible to make it about race the African style headbag comes out.

  7. She does nothing for those of us in MN that she was elected to represent. I for one am embarrassed by her


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