Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Subliminal Dinner Suggestion....


  1. Off topic, but I commented on the Hugh Glass story and finally found a used DVD of the
    Richard Harris movie about Glass from eBay. My post was about Liver Eating Johnson (AKA
    Jeremiah Johnson.) Since the Badass of the week Blog is no longer active, I thought I Was SOL,
    but I remembered that I copied the article in Open Office word processor format. It
    was there I found some bad news. I copied the page so the images went bye-bye when Blog
    went away.

    I have a good memory for images so I found the stock image of Johnson and the two images
    from the Robert Redford film. I will insert them into the text and convert the file to
    MS Word and get it to you via E-mail. The Badass of the Week article contained some
    earthy descriptions of Johnson, which is why I copied it. This was one man who would
    have professional martial artists and boxers running screaming like little girls.

  2. Irish, that image is too subliminal. Try harder next time.

    1. @ Irish, my "try harder next time" was just joking. Just FYI. :)

  3. That could also be breakfast.


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