Thursday, June 27, 2019
There Is A Go Fund Me For The Jarheads MC Victims and Families.
Last week, here in NH, there was a horrific crash between a truck and large group of Veterans that were members of the "Jarheads MC" motorcycle club.
Seven members were killed and others seriously injured.
Since the crash there has been a lot of disturbing information regarding the driver of the truck that slammed into the group. The coverage has been international.
Here is the link to the donation page.
GO FUND ME <<< if you would like to help
Once information from the investigation has started to come out there has been major fall out regarding the circumstances of the tragedy. The driver is a young Ukranian immigrant with a long list of drug and alcohol offenses.
For perspective of how bad this is, the head of the MASS RMV resigned the other day.
There are countless news stories and articles on this tragic event. Too many to link.
If you wish you can click these google searches for various links......
Volodymyr Zhukovskyy << charged with 7 counts of negligent homicide
This is infuriating