Wednesday, March 6, 2019

This Is An Interesting Thread On Twitter.....

 Check out the address.... and follow the money!!

I wonder if the main stream media would like to dig into this?? Hmmm??

Here are a few links to the twitter thread in regard to that address...





  1. People like her and Hillary Clinton used to be called carpet baggers. now, they have no problem with them running for office anywhere they want to run, as long as they are good dues paying Democrats.

  2. The funny thing is, this info has been out there since before the election. Every last bit of it at DailyKos and But, oops, those are "fake news" sites not to be believed. Today's "wonderful journalistic work" is just a light rehash of it, perhaps with a minor follow up.

    All the operatives involved are BernieBots and the PACs are a scam. They did't support the candidates; the candidates supported them. And AOC got selected as a candidate from a casting call, probably because she is somewhat attractive and has big boobs. The whole thing is a farce from the get-go.

  3. Nothing will happen to her....and probably nothing will happen to her staff. The demonrats control the "disciplinary methods" in Congress and the corrupt deep state including the FBI historically tasked with such jobs is just as corrupt. The media won't report on it and the RINOs in office won't follow through on such a gift. So NOTHING will happen to her.

  4. Hey Irish;

    There will be 2 things in play...Either nothing will happen to her because she is "Democrat" and there are 2 separate rules for democrat politicians and the rest of us. Or this is Nancy Pelosi flexing her muscles to slap down AOC for the grandstanding.

  5. Yes to both, Garabaldi. She'll never be charged, it will never get MSM coverage, and at worst she'll get an official Frownie from the old hag. Not even a Time Out.

    Meanwhile, she and her anarchist-commie buddies are going to take over the Dems. Because 1) people are unbelievably stupid, dis-intersted, and self-centered, and 2) half the country will always vote D, and 3) the education system has been working towards this moment for 40 years now. Almost anyone under 40 is quite socialist even if they don't know it, and the ones that do know it are probably outright commies without realizing that.


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