Thursday, March 28, 2019

This is what happens when demoratz keep mumbling about free shit and finally get their way.


  1. There are 500-something billionaires in the US. If they took every dime they had, not just cash but total wealth, that would fund the US government for less than a year.

    1. Thanks. :)

      And don't forget, these peoples' wealth is not, primarily, spendable cash. It's property, stocks & bonds, collectibles, artwork, etc. To transform that into something you can spend on, say, welfare payments, you need buyers.

      Well, Lefties, you've confiscated the wealth of those with the greatest potential to buy that Picasso you just seized. So who's going to pay for it? Hmmm? Somehow I don't think Lashawna really cares about a Picasso or Andy Warhol because that's not going to spend well at the local McDonalds.

      And another effect of this. Let's say the cut-off for wealth confiscation is $1 billion in wealth. OK. Everyone with less than that is suddenly going to "get religion" and start stashing their money in places it can't be gotten. All of a sudden, after that money is gone and you go to the well of the $500 million and up... they won't have that. Gone. Dispersed. Wired overseas. Turned into gold and buried.

  2. I seem to remember either the Swedes or the Danes paying over $7.00/gal

  3. Per gallon? Don't they sell fuel by the liter?

  4. In socialist New Zealand we have to pay $2.22 per litre ! About $8.45 per US gallon . 70% of the cost is tax

  5. Since I was about four years old my dad told me, “Nothing the government gives you is free.” He also told me, “Take care of your teeth” and other more sensible things to tell a child – but I think he wanted to be sure he drilled this truth into me. I’m glad he did.

  6. The VAT in Canada is 13% (Federal and Provincial), gas about $6.00/gal, but hey freeeee stuff.....if you can actually get it.

  7. I'm curious about their tax structure in those countries.
    Are there minimum deductions, tax breaks on mortgages, that sort of thing, like we have here?
    Does the guv. do their taxes for them too?

  8. @Anon- naw, not saying Socialism is good, there are definitely good things about it, it just wouldn't work in the US. This is another "mis-directed" meme that's been pretty typical the last 8 years or so. Those countries all have tiered tax structures, none of top tier tax rates for those countries correct, thus someone just threw this together maybe or called Sven and asked about how much he thinks he pays in taxes. Dumb because it's fucking easy to just look it up. Also consider their 1%-ers pay not as high as that says (because no one pays that high rates) but pretty high, our 1% pay nothing. Us working stooges pay most of the taxes here. It's pretty easy to look up the price of gas in every country on the planet... also a head scratchier to include that considering everyone here knows Venezuela doesn't charge people for gas. So if you're saying the price of gas is tied to Socialism, it's just... not. Just an all out dumb thing to include I mean the price of gas in nearly every country in Africa is cheaper than anywhere and they're not socialists. Kind of a "duh?" basically the more oil your country drills compared to how much it consumes the cheaper your gas has nothing to do with the type of government your country has.

    I've been to every country on that list and quite a few more, I can tell you the VAT taxes are crazy expensive in most other countries, doesn't matter what type of government they have. Also, again, the VAT taxes are somewhat like taxes in the US, there is no tax on some things, all the way to crazy 100% VAT taxes for some things in some of these countries. Has nothing to do with Socialism however.

    Look, I'm not for Socialism, I'd like universal uealthcare, that makes sense... I have healthcare and it sucks so bad I never go to the Dr... it's just insurance for something so fucked up I can't just rub some dirt on it and if I die tomorrow for something that could have been caught if I could go to the dr, fuck-it, gotta die sometime.

    Problem I have with memes like this is "truth" you know Socialism probably does suck, but if you're going to put a meme together about it then at least include facts. If you're going to spread these memes then do some fucking homework and check to make sure they are correct. It does nothing but hurt your point to have someone Google "tax rates in Greece" and what that has to do with Dems and Socialists? Saudi Arabia pays zero taxes, that doesn't mean a King sounds good to me and shit.


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