Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Spend Half an Hour In Mumbai's Worst Slum...

1 comment:

  1. I used to travel a lot for work (and some pleasure) back in my 20's.
    Sort of curious if this is the same place where Grant Road is located. I hit that place up back when Mumbai was still Bombay, at night. It was insane, in a very Indian sort of way. Don't let anyone convince you that Indians are all peace loving and such. Grant Road is sort of notorious like the Cut in Port Au Prince, Tijuana, Reeperbahn, DeWallen, Patpong, etc. I've got a ton of not safe for family pictures from places like that world wide. One day when I die and they go through my shit, the grandkids are going to find out that Grandpa was one freaky guy when he was young. I get a chuckle every time I think about it.



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