Monday, July 2, 2018

Billionaire Richard Branson: America Should Give Out Free Cash To Fix Income Inequality

Hell, I thought that was the main reason the demokratz, progressives, socialists, communists, and RHINOS had been taxing the dogshit out of those of us who work and actually pay taxes.

To read the rantings of a blithering idiot, click HERE,


  1. That would make money worth a hell of a lot, Branson, you financial genius. Give wheelbarrow too, to haul enough to buy a loaf of bread. Jackass.

  2. he doesn't believe that shit any more than he believes in globull warming or the tooth fairy. he's just like any other socialist soy boy who is gonna say whatever is trendy today to stay relevant and appease the losers

  3. Well look out. The Libtards latest thing is a "Maximum Wage". Gee, I wonder what they plan on doing with the rest of that money. The revolution draws closer.

  4. I say do it and tax the bejesus out of anyone who promotes such a ridiculous idea in order to pay for it. Give them the wealth redistribution they so direly want, just leave the rest of us alone.

  5. Wow, how clueless this fellow is. Bigger story is over 60% of food stamp recipients are illegal alien invaders. Seems we are way ahead of him in our generosity.

  6. Fucker is a tax exile i don't believe he pays any taxes in the UK. Wants the tax-payer to pay for this shit. Absolute virtue signalling twat. Sorry about the bad language but he really pisses me off.
    JonT (from the UK)


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