Wednesday, January 17, 2018

New Jersey Student at UA: Falls Victim To The Deadly Combination Known As "Alcohol and Social Media "

She has since been expelled from the University of Alabama. 



  1. Hey Jeffrey;

    Video Unavailable....I goes Youtube finally took it off

  2. Doesn't offend me in the least. My bet is she is just expressing her frustrations from her own past experiences. Having spent 10 years in a 45% black industrial shop and 6 of them as the local union president I finally quit after after being sued twice for not catering to all their lies, bigotry, cheating and just plain stupidity. Dealing with them working harder to get out of work than it would take to do the assigned task and then filing grievances when they got caught became a regular occurrence. They all knew perfectly well that they would loose but wanted to get paid for not working will the grievance was processed. Several then filed personal law suits and EEOC complaints claiming I discriminated against them because they refused to follow basic rules like showing up to work on time or not stealing parts from the stock room or the worst, not embezzling from the union Treasury. Generational racism is one thing but anger and frustration from experiencing everything from individual corruption to bigotry directed at you because of your own race is quite another.

  3. Not a racist rant. She repeated "nigger" a lot, but did not mention race at all.

  4. Free speech.The University is wrong to kick her out.

    1. That is what my wife said. I bet they have some sort of "we can get rid of you anytime we want" clause in the student handbook.

  5. Her mistake was not saying it was a rap song.

    1. Yeah! Some jungle bunny up at Harvard did a rap song/video for his senior project. She should have done that. She could be the Eminem, the token nagger at the U of A.

  6. She made the all too common mistake of making a video.

  7. I would have expelled her for being from New Jersey.


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