Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Recalling The Good Ol' Days....

 sent in by Murray.....



  1. I guess I'm older then I feel.I remember all those.

  2. I had to zoom in on a few to read and see details but yes I remember them all.


  3. Every single one. They should have had Alka-Seltzer in the glass tube

  4. What a bunch of old farts! Yeah, I remember them all, too!

  5. Not only remember all of them,I still have and use that blue change purse !

  6. You should have had the Marlboro Man in stead of Captain Kangaroo (I was 7 when he came on and I thought he was a jerk then).

  7. I hate you, Irish. What about taking typing class my freshman year in high school, with only one other guy in the class. And there were only 5 electric typewriters, with all the rest manual typewriters, and we had take turns with the electric ones. Us two guys seemed out of place, until the end of the year, when we knew how to type, and forevermore had a leg up when writing term papers for other classes. Then we didn't get laughed at by the macho guys. And I was a football player, by the way, I just knew I would need typing. And yes, I recognized all of these other things plus the glass alka seltzer bottles.

  8. I remember all but the Salteen cracker tin can. I still wrapped my work sandwiches in wax paper up till i retired a couple years ago. It is not listed, but along with EC class which my sisters took, we had Shop Class.

  9. Just another old fart checking in. Bit of good nostalgia though.

  10. Plunk your magic twanger, Irish.

    You do have a magic twanger like Froggy don't you?

    1. I had to go look that one up terry. Slightly before my time :)

  11. The squeezable change purse at number 36; I have one in my pocket right now....

  12. Calling after 6pm for cheaper rates. What about calling long distance when you'd left from home and asking for yourself (person to person ) so the call wouldn't cost any money? This was when I was in the army and didn't have any money or just from a visit

  13. Also I remember all of them except that green thing, WHAT THE HELL?

    1. Yep - an egg slicer. But make sure the eggs are hard boiled ALL the way thru!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. remember party lines on the phones.

  16. What do you mean, Remember? I still wrap my sammiches in waxed paper!

  17. I not only remember Record Stores, I know of one that is still open for business. Granted, they also sell CDs, but they do a lot of business in old 33rpms. It's big collector's market.

  18. You forgot Bozo the Clone... er CLOWN (there were so many of them on local tv), and Romper Room, and early tv sets. Local tv shows that weren't reruns or *reality* shows. Queen for a Day. 50's tv shows.

  19. Don't forget lever action ice cube makers.

    And that Coke machine of course, was filled with cold water, which probably was a bacterial nightmare, but it probably kept us healthy.

    I think I still have an egg slicer like the one shown, I'll look for it this weekend.

    How about the mimeographed tests we took in school? -- I still like the smell of that ink.

    1. "How about the mimeographed tests we took in school? -- I still like the smell of that ik.

      "Gosh wow, by Ghu, corlfu corlflu, he filksang in his joy!"

  20. The thing is, I remember ALL of those. Still got some things and use them.

  21. How about the gas pump that had a "float" or "sight glass" showing the level of the gas before and after being pumped? And don't forget attendants who checked under your hood, washer your windows in addition to filling your tank.

  22. I'm surprised that some of these things aren't around any more- no slinky? That kept me busy for days & days (but then, I had stairs in my house that they'd slink down.)

    Also surprised not to see cowboy cap guns, I had the gunslinger-type double holster set. All my friends had them too, our battles took place all over the neighborhood & we were all "killed" a thousand times. Great fun! Alas, times have changed; now any kid with a cap gun probably would get killed. Sigh.

  23. I still use the coin holder!

  24. What about Buglers? My grandmother used to have a little machine, and every day she'd sit there and roll her cigarettes for the day. And then there was always candy cigarettes.


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