Sunday, July 31, 2016

The Media's "Word" or Theme This Week Is Going To Be TEMPERAMENT

I'm sure many readers here and throughout the country notice how the media marches in lockstep to promote whatever their agenda may be at any give time strategically "locks on" and concentrates all of their "fire" on a specific "target".  I thought I would use a few military terms to describe this tactic since elections are refereed too as "campaigns" which is also a word found in military lexicons. In this case, I am referring to the media's campaign against Trump. As I flipped through various television talk shows this morning and skimmed across numerous news agencies websites, it is clear to me this week that the "point of attack" in the next few days is going to be the TEMPERAMENT of Donald Trump. A particular piece that stands out in regards to that word was this  by the Washington Post (Pravda). In this piece the Post "aims it's guns" at the TEMPERAMENT of Donald Trump and spins the story-line into, "can a man with this kind of TEMPERAMENT be trusted to president", etc. The sub-plot of this article is to paint Trump as a callous and heartless man who doesn't sympathize with the sacrifice of this particular family's son simply because they are Muslim. I personally do not think Donald Trump said anything wrong and I also believe his speculation that Mr. Khan's statements were probably "spot on" ("straight from Hillary's scriptwriters). This article and others attempt to plant the seeds which the media hopes will bear the fruit of doubt and question in the minds of voting Americans. In truth, if the media was really concerned about TEMPERAMENT and the mental faculties of candidate, they would be on HRC like a bee on honey. I challenge each and everyone to count how many times you hear the word TEMPERAMENT from now till Friday and post your results here in the comment section. 


  1. If I watched the news, I would make it a drinking game! Just like the time we played during Obumbles speeches, every time he referred to himself, we'd do a shot. I don't think any of us lasted for more than 5 minutes that time.

  2. just as much fun would be trying to keep track of who plegerized who and how many times.

  3. Absolutely! This would make a helluva drinking game!

  4. Temperament is the new "gravitas"?

  5. Jeffery, you are dead on perceptive with this one. It's hypocritical as hell, but they sure as hell made this the buzz word of the week.

    Of course, when Hillary was physically attacking secret service agents in the White House, that wasn't a temperament issue that was news-worthy.

  6. Yes, I've lost count as to how many times I've heard that word TEMPERAMENT and it is only Tuesday. The press and democraps have taken this Khizr Kahn story to the max. If you haven't seen the Allen West response to this fabricated story, stay tuned. I will put it up soon. It is great. Trump's camp needs to turn the tables on this. I really don't think he said anything offensive. When I saw the Kahn female standing there silent, I just figured she was not allowed to speak since that is the way "those people" roll.


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