Sunday, June 5, 2016


Opening Ceremony for Worlds Longest Tunnel Appears to be a Bizarre Cult Ritual. Watch for yourself this crazy video depicting satanic worship, sexual groping, etc. This event was attended by such high ranking dignitaries as Chancellor Merkel of Germany. The NWO conspiracy theorist are going to have a field day with this.


  1. The Olympics have screwed up ceremonies. Have you ever seen the opening pageantry of the Olympics!??!?! Now those are beyond bizarre. If it weren't for the commentators prattling on; you wouldn't understand any of the Olympic ceremonies.
    This is just another example of liberal progressive weenies showing off their schtick after they've used the government money to avoid "real" work.

  2. Someone used a recreational substance a little too much before designing this ceremony.


  3. I believe you are correct Exile1981!. Thanks to all for stopping by and for the 6 "I don't get it's" so far, do not feel alone. I do not get it either. LOL

  4. I showed this to a relative last night and they said the hair covered things are supposed to be trolls. Its the way they used to be depicted. But it still made mo sense to them either.


  5. The worlds largest bunker and so much closer to hell!

  6. Methinks "Night on Bald Mountain" would have been appropriate here.


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