Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Democratic Presidential Debate

My head spins. My wife and I decided to watch some of the democratic presidential debate tonight. After a few minutes I began to wonder why anyone was in the audience and even more why they applauded. Then again, the clapping could have been sound bytes that were dubbed in by CNN. Of course, CNN would never attempt to deceive anyone using smoke and mirrors. The mindset of these "do-goobers" is mind boggling. Almost all of the panel concured that illegal invaders should get free health care and a free college education. Almost all feel more should be spent on impoverished people and single mothers (women in general). They all agree that taxes need to be raised on the wealthiest Americans (I bet Hillary was seething behind her smile during those comments). ALL agree that Republicans are the spawn of Satan. Almost all admitted they voted for some program that turned out to be a flop. Hillary said it was just part of the learning process and most of us (the panel) have been in Washington for a LONG time and we are going to make mistakes. I took it that she was saying they are all PIGS and have fed at the .gov trough far too long. All agreed that the NRA is to blame for every crime that has ever been committed using a gun. From what I saw and heard this panel was full of  buzz phrases, empty promises, etc., but did not offer any detailed plans to solve any of the country's problems.  The world is going to hell in a hand basket and these bozos are worried about the make believe specter of "global warming". I had enough and had to turn it off as I could not connect to these people who live in a fantasy world of unicorns and rainbow farts.


  1. As each tried to move further left than the other we see the same thing and are left with one question...Communism/Socialism/Progressives are three sides of the same coin. We are left to wonder what such an odd coin buys, Not why it has three faces. What it buys is the same thing it has always purchased...Human misery and death in staggering numbers...(THIS is why history is important, please see USSR, Cambodia and the current slow motion train wreck that is North Korea). Those who refuse to learn from history are doomed to repeat it. - I pray that America has learned it's lesson from eight years of paradise under the light bringer and will refuse to continue down this road.

    1. China, Germany under the National German Socialist Worker's Party, Vietnam after it was abandoned, now Venezuela et al. A long tragic list of the 'success' of communism and socialism.

  2. Did anyone hear them address the debt and how we are going to fix it? Screw global warming right now and concentrate on the problems here. Everyone wants to nail the so called 1 percent but again who takes the risk at the begining? - and deals with all these GOVERNMENTAL regulations, taxes, and the wonderful lies that career politicans spew from their mouths--( health care just for one example.)

    1. The 1% is also the only folks considered in all this hoopla who can simply take their ball and leave.

      But that's all part of the plan.

  3. Tax, tax, tax, and spend, spend, spend! And then give from those that do to to those that don't do or contribute a damn thing. The democRat party is dead, all hail the new American Socialist Party.

  4. You are a better man than me, Jeff - or at least have a stronger stomach.
    There was no friggin' way I was going to pollute my mind with any of their drivel.

    Whitehall, NY

    1. It pays to know what the enemy is up too, but there were consequences. My wife had to visit the doctor today due to a "severe" headache. I am sure it is result of watching that freak show! LOL

    2. Just reading news about it updet my stomach enough to give me the runs.


    3. I agree, Jeff. However, in instances like these, it is beneficial to rely on a trustworthy analyst. I know it would mitigate my chances of a migraine.
      Hope the wife recovers from her visual, and audible, induced trauma. ;-)

      Whitehall, NY

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Thanks Leigh. It turns out she has a severe life-long allergy to socialist-commie-democraPs! LOL

    6. Huh, I share the same affliction. Too bad big pharma couldn't make a Claratin to rid the world of tyrants. I've got an old fashioned cure for them, but it's kind of loud.

      Whitehall, NY

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I couldn't do it to myself. I value my sanity (Ok, could happen) too much to watch those potpourri fart smelling asshats.

  7. Hillary doesn't have to worry about being in the 1%. All of their money is funneled through their "charity" so it's tax free. "So sure," she says. "lets raise their taxes! Bwahahaha!"


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