Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Someone Needs To Invent A Time Machine...

 It would be so cool to go back in time and see some of the great spots in the US before they were

developed and over run with people.

    Like this image of DAYTONA BEACH 1904. Click on the image to enlarge and scroll around.

There are a lot of old images here at SHORPY, enjoy.


  1. From the perspective of an old Dude, if I were to write a simple account of my daily life and send it back to myself at age ten, it would read like the most extreme science fiction that no-one at the time would believe possible.

  2. Thanks for the add. I added you to my blogroll as well :)

  3. Nice post and links, Irish! Love B & W photos. They take us back to a time when life was a lot less complicated.

  4. I would love to watch how the Adirondacks formed and, evolved since the last Ice Age. I've sat on the top of Bald Mountain, during deer season, just wondering such things.
    I was, so very much, born in the wrong time.....



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