Saturday, August 10, 2013

Sometime The Cops Do Have a Rough Job....

Let it play... it gets better....


  1. Maybe she was having a bad day at home dont judge

  2. "I don't believe in the Internet." That's all anyone needs to know to understand this nutburger. She obviously believes that whatever her desires might be are the same as her rights. Loons like that make life suckier for everyone around them.

  3. That's one of those "wait for it" moments.... that was great!

  4. Well, consider me the wet blanket but I thought the guy was a DB for intentionally doing what he could to provoke the woman; he could have simply turned off the camera and defused the whole situation instead of getting the woman and the cop all p.o'd. One of the few things I remember from training days in ancient times was that you do not intentionally escalate a situation. If the woman, who stated she was on cymbalta, had utterly freaked out and put a pistol into play, it would have been a bad day for everyone. So my score: raving woman, 1; DB with the camera, 0, Cop, 3.


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