Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Ed "I'm Kinda Like Ted Kennedy" Markey Got Elected Here In ASSachusetts....

Now we have him and "Liawatha" Warren as our senators.

I would like to apologize to my fellow countrymen for the idiots that reside in this state.

That is all.


  1. "I would like to apologize to my fellow countrymen for the idiots that reside in this state."

    Massachuless has always been a "hug the welfare parasites and Liberal, clueless and care less rich white asshole" aka: Kennedy State.

    Why did I figure it wasn't about to change?

  2. It's just like living in New Jersey - another 'gimmie' state. People have not reached the breaking point yet, I guess.

  3. Pissed, did you really expect a different outcome from the People's Democratic Republic? It is hard to imagine these are the descendants of the people who fought for independence from the British crown.


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